How my life is now

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I was sitting outside the house on the balcony, watching the clouds flow by when I heard my brother.

,,Nya...there is a letter for you...i don't think it's a good one" he said with the letter in his hands.

,,uhm...did you already opened It?" I asked him.

My brother shock his head and gave me the letter.

Slowly I opened it. I already knew the results would be bad.

When I opened it fully my brother took it.

,,Dear Nayeli Smith" he started.

,,still hate that Name..."

,,We made a lots of tests and now we got your results" he readed out loud. Then he over flew some of the stuff that was written there.

When he got to the bottom he looked up at me in shock.

,,What? What is it?" I asked him.

,,Read for yourself" he said and gave me the letter back.

You have 3 issues on you heart. Because of your surgery last year which failed your heart is very weak now. Due to the issues and the weakness you will die sooner as anyone like. Please come over for an deep conversation.


Dr. Med. Brüderle

I looked up and into my brothers eyes which were already filled up with tears.

,,Kai..." I said and hugged him. Kai laid his head on mine. I felt how sad he was.

He really cares about me

,,please don't cry Kai. If you cry I have to cry with you" I said. We were still in the embrace.

My brother hugged me closely. He didn't wanted to let go either.

I looked up. When I saw his tears I wiped them away.

,,Don't cry Kai...please" I said with tears in my eyes.

I wasn't crying because of me. I was crying because of Kai.

,,you're crying as well" he said and wiped away my tears.

We were looking at each other for a while until the others arrived.

Kai and I told them about what the letter said.

Jays head was on my shoulder and my right hand on his back. ,,don't cry Jay. Everything will be fine" I whispered.

,, should we treat you now?" Lloyd asked.

,,like usual...why should you treat me differently?" I asked him now.

,,because you are a friend and you are in a bad condition" Zane explained.

,,don't treat me differently" I told them and looked at my brother.

Kai had his right hand on my left shoulder. He was already tired from all of this. He didn't wanted this to happen. I knew it.

The weeks flew by. I had one appointment after another. My free time became shorter and shorter.

People treated me differently. But...why?

The team tried not to treat me different but they sometimes did.

I wasn't allowed to train so I trained for myself if no one was looking.

Well I wasn't really eating because of the medicine I had to take.

Sometimes Kai would force me to eat. But I become better in not eating at all.

,,Nya food is ready" Zane said as he opened the door.

,,I'm not hungry" I said.

,,but you should eat. You did not ate for too days and you did not ate today. Eating it very important. Your body needs it. You will get better if you eat regularly. Nya in times like this your body needs food" He explained.

I sighted and looked at my titan friend.

,,I am really not hungry Zane" I said and looked at him.

,,do you really want me to get your brother?" He then asked.

,,no.." I sighted and stood up.

,,then come eat" he said and left.

I followed him and sat on the bench.

We all got our food served by Zane. On my plate was a little bit of food but for me it looked like my plate was fuller then the other ones.

I started organizing my plate. The potatoes to the left. The brokoli to the right and the meat were all organized now.

The others where almost finished with their food.

I started cutting trough all of my food. It looked like i would eat.

I laid down my fork and my knife and looked at the others who where finished too.

,,see Nya it wasn't so bad after all" Kai smiled.

They all kinda did.

After "eating" my boyfriend and I went to my bedroom. Jay always looked at my heart monitor and always freaked out if it started beeping.

I hate that thing

It always started beeping at the stupidest times. Sometimes I took it off even if I am not allowed to just because I really hate It!

Jay was very carefully with me. It was kinda cute. We always snuggle with each other...

Bear talking:

I hope you could see how I kinda life now...

See y'all

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