33. I need a friend

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But the escape from reality wasn't long enough, we went back to New York so soon that I didn't even have time to stop thinking about Loki. It was Sunday morning and Dad was driving us to our new home, he's been so cheerful since this morning, I don't know why but seeing him like this makes me feel a little better like I can share his happiness, for whatever reason it might be. But once we arrived I saw why there she was, waiting for us, I turned to look at my Dad completely shocked, he smiled at me and I practically jumped out of the car to hug Pepper.

-You're back- 

- Of course I am, how am I supposed to live without my two favorite people?-

-Am I happened to be one of them?- My Dad said and I took a step away so he could hug her. Now I know why he was so happy.

But I felt so sad, we've been working on the security system for days, since apparently, something was up with the one in the tower, hmm, strange if I knew it wasn't for me.

-Now no one who's not invited would be able to come here- Dad said with a proud smile and I tried to force one on my face but then, how is he suppose to get in. Actually, I don't think it matters, the last time we spoke, I sounded like I didn't want to see him ever again.

I was becoming desperate, I missed talking to him, his company, I wanted to see him again, but every time I remember him and me, something feels off, like there was something that shouldn't be there. So I resolved to ask for help, to the only one that I'm sure won't ask for any names, so I called him and asked to meet him.

I entered the coffee shop, it was a long trip but only here he said he could be safe from anyone recognizing him.

- Thanks for accepting my invitation- I said sitting in front of him.

-Anytime _(yn)-

-I know how things are, but I couldn't think of anyone else-

- Hey, it's fine, seriously, I've missed you- I gave him a sad smile.

We talk about our lives, how much it all changed, and we ate cake, laughed and remember.

-So- He set his coffee on the table - what's the real problem you wanted to talk about-

- Okay Steve, I need to know that you won't say anything to anyone and that you won't laugh. Promise?- 

- Promise- he smiled at me and took a sip of his coffee.

-Well, there's this... guy I really really, but really like - I looked at him with eyes wide open hoping he got what I meant - and he says he likes me too, but, this thing we have, it just doesn't look like a relationship, it feels weird like we're doing all wrong, you know what I mean?- I talked so fast that I don't think even my own brain caught up with what I just said.

- So... You both like each other. Does your father know about this?-

-Steve- I said in between teeth since I couldn't shout his name.

- Sorry, obviously not- He said that last one more to himself than to me -So, you bot like each other, but you're... not dating?-

-Yes! That's it- I laughed because he just said it after a few seconds of listening to me and I couldn't think it myself. - And he acts like he already has me, you know like we are already a couple and it drives me mad-

-And have you talked about it with him- he rested his back on the chair.

-Am I supposed to?- I asked genuinely and he chuckled -Hey, don't laugh-

-Sorry, sorry - He chuckled once again -Sometimes guys are scared of rejection so they evade the question and give girls a hint... or a lot, trying to see if she returns her affections-

- So, then what, I... I'm annoyed!- I laughed again - Yes that's it, thank you, Steve-

-Uh, you-you're welcome-

We kept talking for an hour or two, but it was time for him to go.

- You don't need to pay for me-

-You're a lady, and I want to do it, so I will-

-I'm also a millionaire- I said as he was standing up.

- Yeah? I still want to- I chuckled and he left the money in the table, he was about to go went he gave a few steps back - Why don't you lookup for 1 Corinthians 13, verse 4 to 8, I know you're not a believer, but I think it will help you - 

The Biggest Lie // Loki x Stark DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now