29. I know places

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- Pardon me for my presumption - He said when the kiss finished - We should be leaving, it's late - He said looking around and I was too surprised to say something so I just nodded.

We went back to my room, he caressed my cheek smiling at me, "Good night, pet" and then he left. I stood in silence trying to assimilate what just happened when Rebecca decided that it was the perfect timing to remember me about my ex-friends missed calls.

The next day when I was making a smoothie, I turned on the TV and read my feed, bad idea, I saw what happened with the Avengers.

- Good morning, kid -

- Good morning, how's Rhodey? - I said and he gave me a confused look - I may or may not watched and read the news -

- He's, He'll be fine - he said opening the fridge - Let's visit him today, at the Avengers facility - He said and I agreed.

Rhodey legs' don't work anymore but he's strong and he's doing fine. We stayed there a while, I talked with Wanda and Vision, these guys are really cool, a little old-school but still cool.

Dad was feeling betrayed, Steve and him had an amazing connection and he chose someone else's side, I wonder if I could take that, someone that I care about doing something like that, I mean my "friends" decided to believe the media, but I'm talking about someone special, like, I don't wanna think it, but like Loki, we've been hanging out for a while and he seems like the best man I've never met, but what if he's just lying or trying to use me.

And also, I can't tell my dad about it he would freak out or Pepper, she's on a long trip, probably taking a break from the Starks, what can I say, we are a hot mess.

- Can I drive? - I said when we finally left the building and my dad laughed - what? I'm a good driver -

- You drive too fast - And I was the one laughing now - I have to go to Starks, wanna come? - he asked and I told him that I'll pass this time.

I came back to the tower and headed to the lab, I need to finish some projects.

- How strange seeing you here and not in your room - I heard Loki's voice and almost ruined what I was doing.

- Oh my, what the hell are you doing here? -

- I got bored alone in your room and Rebecca told me you were here - He said and I turned my attention back to my work - What are you doing? -

- I need to turn this 100 times smaller, so it can fit properly into my design -

I tried to focus on what I was doing but Loki's slow steps drive me crazy, I let tweezers on the table - maybe dumm-e can do it for me -

- Now that you are free, If I may, I will like to take you somewhere - he said giving me his hand, I stood up and took his hand.

- Are we visiting Charlie? - I asked trying to relax.

- I want to take you somewhere new - He said and I felt everything moving around us.

Then it stopped and I looked around, it was a nice place, more new age than the other one.

- Wow, Is like New York but way cooler - I said looking at everything - Is she pink, that's awesome - I looked at Loki, he was smiling, "Shall we keep going?" he said and I nodded.

We walked around the place with our hands tied, I saw people with different skin and hair tones, this was amazing, I even talk with some of the... aliens (or am I the alien) from the place.

- So I can actually speak alien languages - I said and Loki smiled looking at me - And what are those? -

- Their transports, would you like to try them - He said pointing at a man, I guess he rent them.

- Yes - I said almost screaming and walked towards the guy. He paid and gave us two of them, they looked like motorcycles, but without wheels, they definitely got inspired by star wars designs. - Why you have money of this place? - I said turning to face him.

- Love, with magic you can have everything - He said and we stayed looking at each other.

- Let's try those things - I said interrupting my feelings and walked to the motos.

After almost killing another user, or two, we left the planet and came to the tower. I asked Rebecca if my dad was home and he wasn't so I invited Loki to take dinner with me.

I don't know how to cook but I have technology, I was trying to cook while he was telling me a story that it was too funy to be real. I endep up doing a not so bad lasagna and gave him a plate.We just finished eating when Rebecca told me that my dad was inside the lift.

- Thank you for the dinner - He said and disappeared.

- I'm home - my dad said and I exhaled.

- So am I -

- Hey, you made dinner. There are two plates -

- It was your part but I got hungry and ate it -

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