2. Welcome to Asgard (Update)

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Jane sent me a text saying that Thor was in New York. I haven't talked about this with dad since our last conversation, but this morning at breakfast when I told him he seemed less conflicted with the idea than before, it almost seemed like he liked the idea. And I think I know why, I only hope that Pepper accepts too. I have a lot of free time now that I finished most of my courses. I'm usually helping him with the suits or creating new tech for Stark industries, but I can't stop thinking about what happened months ago. No one can.

After a couple of minutes, waiting in the roof, he was finally here. I gave him a tour around the tower, expecting to win some time. - All right - Dad and Pepper entered the living room where we were chattering - You're free to go - I smiled open wide, running towards him to hug him - Just for two weeks, kid - 

- There's no need to fret man of iron. I'll take good care of her - 

- Then let's go - I said looking at Thor - See you in two weeks - And with those words, I left the earth, to see the myth turn into reality. Since I found out about New Mexico, I've been studying mythology, debating with scientists, anthropologists, and theologians. And if there is truth in these stories, then there must be a higher number of things that we haven't discovered yet. The sensation of traveling like this was unimaginable, but the one thing crossing my mind, was that today I was a step closer.

Suddenly, everything stopped, and I found myself in this new world. He introduced me to his friends and his mother, the Queen, besides a few servants and guards, they were all kind to me, but not Odin, he was taking care of some things. At least that's what the Queen said. Once we were in front of the door he left and the servants opened the door, revealing a splendid ornamented room with white and gold decorations, the bed was large and exaggeratedly tall, I didn't think it twice and dove in that cotton like mattress. I laid down enjoying the silence until a knock on the door interrupted that. It was the queen that came to offer me a dress for the gathering of tonight, even though I wasn't really looking forward to attending this party, she was so kind that I couldn't say no, instead I thanked her for the dress and with the help of the servants, that I didn't think necessary, I put on the dress.

When I was ready, I went out of the room, and the guards started following me, but I ask them to please don't do it, and with my powers of persuasion, they finally accepted. I'm sure they'll go to Thor and tell him about it, but I have just enough time to find what I want and I surely don't need people around for this, well, maybe I need it but I don't want it. I walked around the corridors, while I was showing him the tower I asked him about where he lived, he didn't give too much information but enough for me to figure the rest out. I saw that the path diverted in two, both halls covered in darkness, that's the part that he didn't tell me, there was no way I knew which one was, so I let the seven lucky gods do their job and walked towards the left, hopefully getting closer to where I wanted to. After a few meters, I saw a long stairway in front of me, illuminated at the end by torches. Once I reached the end I looked at the horizon, there was something about this place, that made me think I took the wrong path. I continued moving, hoping to find an answer in the darkened and distant path that was opening in front of me. When I saw the cell rooms, I knew I was exactly where I wanted to be.

One of the individuals inside of the cells saw me and tried to get my attention, he was speaking in a tongue I didn't understand and hitting the glass, or whatever the material was of the wall that kept him there. I tried to calm myself, imaging there was nothing different from other places that I visited before.I held my head high and kept on walking, looking inside the cells, none of them seemed any familiar. I stopped walkig and turned my face, there he was, standing in the middle of his cell, looking at the outside. He seemed lost in thought. I went closer to his cell, he seemed to notice me since he slowly turned his body just enough to look at where I was, and when his eyes where on mine the memories of the last time we met came to my mind making my hands shake. A mischievous smirk appeared on his face, and I taking a deep breath, hoping to erase the ideas in my mind, moved closer to where he was standing.

- Fancy seeing you here - He said once I was in front of his cell room.

I wasn't sure of my next words. Everything could've come out wrong taking the circumstances, and the person I had in front of me. - I'm afraid I can't say the same - 

- And all because of your idiotic people - I raised my eyebrows, ready to answers him, but instead, I took a deep breath. He is trying to get in my nerves, that's all, I thought to myself.

- You are such a funny man - It's the best I could think to say.

- I'm glad you think that - he gave several steps around the glass wall- I must admit, I'm surprised you're here - he turned to look at me with a smirk on his face, and I knew he already had a plan.

- And why is that? - my eyes narrowed, waiting for his answer.

- There are a few reasons, but what most interests me are your motives - he stopped walking and stood in front of me, the height difference was evident, adding the cell's ground, it was almost like he was looking at an ant.

- Do you think everyone has such shaded motives like you? - said it more confidently than I expected, he seemed to like my response, since he laughed, and I tried to hide my smile. 

- Then, you do have a motive to be here. Tell me pet, what is your motive? -

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