8. I should have listened to you (Update)

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Since the day of the incident, my dad has been spending most of his time in the lab, and this was starting to worry me, it was like a couple of years ago were repeating all over again. I know he blames himself, it doesn't even make sense, but it how he feels. I'm not proud of this, but I need to admit that his worries are the reason that he lets me go to Asgard that often, because he thinks I shouldn't be inside the house all the time, and I do agree with him, I go insane when I stay here for too long.
But don't get me wrong, I enjoy helping him with the updates to the suits, but, I also enjoy talking with Loki.

And talking about him, he is nothing like the person I thought he would be, he's calm, soothing, incredibly charming and a bit flirty. But of course there's always the possibility that he is playing with my mind, I supposed I just need to stay alert when I'm around him.

But tonight I won't worry about him because it's my prom, and I want to enjoy something about school for once. I was thinking of forgetting about it, and the people in it that I can't stand anymore, that the last time I saw them was in the finals week and i failed to pretend and they got surprised and offended by my lack of interest in what they were saying.

But this will be my first and last prom, and I should enjoy it for it. A boy that was studying to be a forensic surgeon invited me, we met in the halls, when he stumbled and made us both fall, since that day we became friends, he seems really nice and genuine, something that I don't usually found.

So as I was at the party and waiting for Barry to come back, he went for some punch, and he was taking too long, I started feeling uncomfortable surrounded by all these people, hearing them talking badly about me just because I called them out about doing the exact same things on the finals week, I just couldn't take it, so I went outside, took a walk and sat on the concrete to breathe and calm down.

When I was ready to go back, I realized that I wasn't alone, a man was leaning on a car in front of me, and when I turned to my side I saw other two, and I could tell by his clothes, that they weren't valleys.

I stood up, and when I turned, I saw a man wearing a balaclava, I gave a step back almost unconsciously to try to get away from them, but my feet stumbled on something, and when I looked over my shoulder, there was another man, in what felt like less than a second he was already holding my neck. I tried to let go of his grip and kick them, but the man in front of me put a piece of fabric above my lips.

My head was spinning, and there was a knot in my stomach, I opened my eyes but didn't see anything but lights, when my head stopped hurting so much, I tried to speak, but I couldn't. I tried to shake my arms, but I couldn't. My legs and head were tied up too.

A male voice shushed me petting my head, and I felt something cold on my forehead, my eyes got used to the lighting and saw the same red balaclava in front of me - After this. You're gonna be free - I felt needles pinching my arms and heard the man laughing. After a fleeting moment, I felt burning in every corner of my body, it was unbearing, he was talking, but his words lost the sense for me.

He stopped, I looked at him, his eyes were open wide when I heard him -Don't worry kid, I'm here - The man discovered his face, he was young, probably a couple of years older than me, hazel hair and pale skin. I think I know him, I think I...

When I opened my eyes again, I saw Cho typing on a tablet. I tried to stand, that's when I saw my dad and Natasha. Dad hugged me - It's okay, you are okay, kid -

Cho explained about the medicaments I needed, to relieve the pain and when she finished explaining, we went to the living room where Pepper was waiting. You could tell she cried, by her now flushed eyes. When I saw her, I ran towards her and hugged her.

- I think I knew him - I said and looking at my dad, that now that we were close, I knew he cried too. - It was Ael - I remembered where I saw that face.

- Baby, he's not him anymore - Pepper said rubbing my back.

- Can I? - I wanted to see him, but with them looking at me like I almost died - Nothing - I placed my head on pepper's shoulder and closed my eyes.

The next day, after taking breakfast, my dad gave me a couple of bracelets, they were the gauntlets of the suit we created together, for me.


Didn't change much of this one, my brain was kind of malfunctioning.

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