15. I'm not your pet

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My friends are having a party at their house, so Loki and I are in my wardrobe, I'm looking at myself in the mirror when I turn to see him, he was checking me out and he didn't care when I raised my eyebrows, he just kept scanning me.

- I don't like the red on you -  He said with conviction.

- I think it's is a nice color -

- I think is awful - He said and I tried to keep calm.

- So, what color looks good on the dress - I asked him and he stood up, he walked towards me and placed his hands on my waist, I tensed, I was usually the one that sits by his side but I guess that now that we know each other better he's getting more comfortable with me. I looked at him but he was looking at the dress.

- That one looks good - He said sitting again.

- Uh - I looked at my reflection, green. - Thanks -

I got a text from the twins, first, they said that I was going late and that I shouldn't forget that is a costume party.

- Great - I said sarcastically, and he asked what was the matter - Is a costume party and I don't have any costumes -

- Costume? - He asked with interest. And I got an idea.

I asked him to create me a  costume, but he said that he wasn't using his magic for something that stupid, at the end he accepted, but just if he chooses the costume, I accepted and hope for the worst (I mean, the best).

He asked me to close my eyes and said a spell.

- We are done - He said and I opened my eyes. I looked in the mirror...

- A cat? - I said not really excited looking at him but he smiled.

- Is not an ordinary costume -

- Whatever you said. I'm leaving -

- Not even a thank you for your master - He said grinning.

- You are not, agh, goodbye - I said closing the door and leaving my room.

I spent the night dancing with my friends they all said that the ears looked so real, we drank a lot and I thank that people is not allowed to take pictures when I'm partying.

When I got back from the party Loki was laying on my bed reading, he looked beautiful, lord, I just drank a few margaritas and now I'm talking like a teenager (even though I'm a teenager).

- You are back, pet, too late for you to be outside - He said sitting properly on my bed with his back against the headboard - You look tired -

- I am tired -

- Come here - He said raising his arm and I furrowed my brows, but he kept in the same position. I sat by his side.

- I felt weird all night, this cat thing, I think it's going into my head - I said and he laughed. I closed my eyes and felt his hand touching my wrist "come here" he whispered and guided me to sit between his legs, I was too tired (drunk) to refuse. He held me and I placed my face on his elbow, he was stroking my hair, then he laughed.

- Umm, what? - I asked caressing him with my forehead.  And he laughed harder.

- You are purring - He said, I stopped moving my head and told him that I wasn't but he kept laughing.

He petted me until I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up on top of him, he was too comfortable to move, he said good morning to me and I just made a weird noise and kept laying.

Rebecca, that is like Jarvis' daughter, started telling me my schedule and apparently I had another speech, yippee. I sat on the bed, he was smirking, I cleared my throat.

- I blame the costume, it was awful -

- it's suit you perfectly, pet -

- I'm not your pet - I said standing up from the bed and going to the bathroom.

- By the way you acted yesterday, I think you are - I slammed the door and heard his laugh in the other side, stupid and sensual god.

The Biggest Lie // Loki x Stark DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now