31. We are leaving

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No, she's someone that you take care of until the end of time.

- You are so innocent - I said when the kiss finished - I grinned and caressed her cheek - Let's go back to sleep -

The next day one of the guards was looking for Odin, so he took me back to the tower.

- Hey, kid are you there? - my dad asked on the other side of the door - We need to talk, see you in the living - my dad said and I froze, does he knows, how can he, is probably about the suit or something like that.

I went to the living room, my dad was in the kitchen making some coffee, I sat on the sofa and wait for him.

- Two things, we're moving, and-- He took a seat by my side.

- Wait, moving where? Because I really enjoy living here in New York - I interrupted him.

- Don't worry, we're not moving that far away. We are moving to the Avengers facility- He said taking a sip of his coffee.

- Why, is there something wrong with the tower? - I was starting to get nervous.

- That's when the second thing comes - He left the mug on the table and took a deep breath - I'm sorry -

- For what? Dad, I don't understand a word you're saying. Is this because of Steve- I said the last words in a whisper.

- No, is not, well maybe it is, but... Kid, I don't even know how to be a good teammate, Pepper left because she can't stand me, and then there's you- He stood up and looked at me, he was holding tears from coming down-

- Dad, none of those things were your fault -

- They are. All of them. Just look what I've had done to you, all of the things you ended up involve - He said rubbing his face with his hands. And I felt guilty. -They were, just, if I've paid more attention to you since the beginning. I didn't give you that family warm and I-- And then he broke

- Dad. Is okay, it is. Thanks to you I know a lot of things, those professors were the best, and Pepper was always taking good care of me and I know you had a lot of things in your mind before becoming Ironman, and then being Ironman, it's okay. I know you and Pepper love me, and I love you and I love her like a mother - At this point, both of us were crying. We hugged each other and stayed like that for a while.

-Thank you, kid-

- Thank you, dad, and... I'm sorry too, I... can be distant and careless, I'm sorry- he kept holding me and reassured me that everything was fine.

The Biggest Lie // Loki x Stark DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now