6. A day with Thor (Update)

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A month already passed since I first went to Asgard. And my life went back to normal, back at college eith my boring classmates and professors. I found myself thinking every once in a while on him, and I wondered if he was sincere at all with me, oh, sometimes i thought that didn't matter at all. After all I got more excitement with one conversation with him that i've gotten with this people in months.

Anyway, the day Thor took me back home he said that he'll be back in a month. And that apparently, her mother liked me, oh, I wonder why.

- Hey _(yn). We're going to the cafeteria, wanna come? - One of the guys in my class said, I looked at him for a second, the other three guys were by his side, I shook my head and went back to my reading. These guys don't even like me so why waste our time pretending we do.

Going to college was harder of what my father had told me, Pepper said I should wait until I turn 16 but I really wanted to graduate earlier than dad did.

The rest of the day went normal, I had to listen to boring teachers and my classmates asking who was coming to the party. They were always there, probably that's the only reason they are my friends, that, and that we have something in common: Rich guys with pretty faces.

- Finally free - I said entering the car.

- I thought you liked schooling - Dad said without taking his eyes off of his phone.

- Next career I'll learn it online - he laughed at my response.

- In that case - He said putting the phone in his pocket - Enjoy this last month, and then we can go to Russia, or wherever you want - He said patting my shoulder and I hugged him.

- What about la India? -

- What's with you and that place? Do I have to blame your history teacher for it? - he raised his eyebrows up and down, and I did the same, we both laughed.

When we came back to the tower Thor was already waiting for us talking with Pepper, I hugged her and then Thor. My dad seems calmer now, i think he feels I'm safer in the space that i am here at home.

Before leaving, we went to the zoo, I felt that is was unfair that he was using his time to take me where I wanted, and I wasn't doing anything for him. And he seemed curious when i told him of a place filled with animals.

- Look, a snake I love snakes - He said, and I laughed remembering a story that Loki told me.

- We can pet it. Come here - I said walking towards the guy that was holding it.

- You know, my brother once turned in to a snake to trick me - He said, and I pretend to be surprised - We used to have fun together - the snake was around his neck now. We both looked at each other with a bit of worry but then laughed. I mean it couldn't possibly be loki

When we were on our way back to the tower I asked him to take me to Asgard again, He didn't seem to mind, he just nodded and smiled.

I was so happy and excited for going back, a bit anxious too, bit more of that later.

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