30.What we do

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Sometimes we read together, others he read to me or I read to him, some other times he teaches me some new words in strange languages or I teach him some words in old ones, other times I fall asleep on his lap while he reads petting my head, we also train and talk about everything that is crossing our minds. He takes me to different planets and I want to take him with me every time I go to volunteer but I'm scared that someone could recognize him,  he supposed to be dead after all.

But today is one of those days when he takes me to Asgard, we are watching how the sun is leaving.

- Why did you kiss me? - I ask of the sudden and he turns to look at me.

- I thought the reason was evident - He says and I just keep looking at him we stay in silence until he decides to speak - I, how mortals say it... I like you -

- Are you sure? - I whispered looking at the sky.

- Why wouldn't I? -

- Because I'm a mortal - 

- No matter where are you from, you'll still be you - He said making me look at him.

-I'm sure any princess of any realm would be happy to be your queen so why me? I'm just an ordinary human -

- You are more than ordinary - He said one of his cheesy lines again.

- Loki, I have never felt anything for someone, and then you come and, and I don't want this to be an illusion - I said with tears in my eyes looking at other way so he doesn't notice.

- It is not - He made a pause - When I saw the chitauri attacking you I thought, "that would be such a waste", I didn't know what I meant until now - he said.

- I thought you didn't care about sentiment -

- I do now -

We enter carefully to the palace, a guard almost see us, and I laugh because I almost felt because of this dress, Loki covered my mouth with his hand and wait until the man's gone.

- Don't be so noisy when we are out - He said but I keep laughing.

- Whatever - I said containing the laughter - Can we sleep already, I'm tired -

- Sure - He said and I go to the bed and lay down, I'm too tired to even care if I'm wearing a dress or not.

She laid on the bed and closed her eyes, I use my magic to put her something more appropriate for sleeping and I fall asleep besides her.

I had a nightmare and I open my eyes to I notice she's not in the bed anymore, I look around to find her sitting on the floor.

- Pet, what are you doing awake? - I asked her.

- Meditating - She said and I furrow my eyebrows, in the middle of the night?

- For what are you doing it? - I wonder.

- To be aware of my thoughts and feelings - And she wonders what I want to be with her.

- Can we do it together? - She open her eyes and smiled.

- Sure. Sit down - She said and I sat in front of her - Show me your palms - She tells me and I do it but apparently I did it wrong because she pushes down my hands with hers until they are lying in our legs. - Close you eyes - She said closing hers but I let them open so I can look at her - Loki? Do you have your eyes close? -She asked, our hands still touching.

- Of course, my lady - I said smirking and I close my eyes. I think it's finally time to try this.

- Loki? - She asked, It means that is working.

- Don't fight it. love - I said and I can feel her tensing.

- Are you trying to enter into my mind? -

- Just if you are fine with that - I said and I heard her exhaling.

- It's fine - She whispered.

"Hello, love"

"Oh my, this is so weird, we are talking in my head" I laughed at her comment.

"Better than send you texts, what you think"

"Definitely better"

I break the connection and open my eyes, she opened hers too.

- That was awesome. A little scary and weird, but awesome - She said and we both laughed.

She puts her weight on her knees and touches my face with her fingers.

- I like you too - She whispered and get closer to me.

I place myself on my knees too, I stroke her hair softly and we unite our lips again, she is the sweetest thing I've ever tasted. I feel her hand stroking my hair and the other slightly touching my face.

I don't like her, she's not someone you like. She's greater than that.

The Biggest Lie // Loki x Stark DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now