28. Civil War

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 When I came back I had a ton of missed calls from my dad I went to the living he was sleeping on the sofa.

- Dad - I said shaking his arm and he woke up alarmed - Chill, it's me -

- Sorry kid -

- I guess it didn't go well that talk with Steve, Am I right? -

- You're right - He said and I turned on the TV but he turned it off.

- No time for drama, I need your help -

- And what are we doing? -

- A suit, a spider suit. We don't have too much time -

My dad already had some designs for it, apparently for a guy a little bit younger than me. He said he needed it just in case Steve decides to keep running away.
I helped him with the creation of the suit and turn the TV on because I really want to know what's going on.

He said he was going to the airport and try to stop Steve from doing something stupid, I agree with my dad, he's trying to clean the mess, but I also agree with Steve I would do anything I could to help someone that apparently is innocent. I told him that I was going to hang out with my friends (half true).

- Pet you are finally here, are you ready to go? - He was looking from the window and turned when he finished the sentence. 

- Yeah, let's go - I said, both of us walking towards each other. He placed his arms around me with his eyes fixed on me, this was strange, I still not knowing what does yesterday mean.

This teleport thing still makes me feel dizzy and all I do is look at his face until everything stops spinning around and when it stopped I looked around, this isn't Asgard. -Where are we? - I said looking at this beautiful place, full of color and... candy??

- Some of the books I've given you are from this place, I thought that you could practice talking with an Alfheim native -

- Another planet with living forms, that's, that's awesome - I said in a low tone but way too excited.

We walked through the forest, it was beautiful with eatable plants, that tasted like candy, this was the closest thing I've been to a castle made of candy. I saw from the distance...

- Is that... - I said touching Loki's arm - is that... -

- Why don't we get closer and find out - He said giving me his hand and we walked. I couldn't stop smiling at this.

- And what do you think it is? - He said looking at the unicorn to then turn an look at me. I felt like a kid in the zoo, I stretched my hand to touch the face of that beautiful creature.

- I'm calling him Charlie - I said remembering a video I watched.

- There must be another two mad unicorns close - He said, he watched the series with me.

- I thought unicorns were a myth. Well, I thought the same about you. Am I going crazy? -  

- In that case, we are both crazy darling - He said smiling - Do you want to ride it? -

- Isn't it a savage one - I said and stopped petting Charlie.

- No unicorn is savage -

- So unicorns aren't savages but humans are? - I said and he laughed.

He kneeled and put his hands in a way that I could step on it, I didn't want to step on his hands but I want to ride a unicorn before I die.

- Okay, I've never ridden a unicorn, maybe this is a bad idea -

- Do you want me to ride it with you? - He said and I tried not to blush, why does this God, king, man keeps making me feel like this. I nodded and Loki placed himself behind me.

Too close, he's too close.

- Hold on tight, pet - he said in my ear, he's definitely too close.

I placed my hands on Charlie's neck and we started riding, it was amazing, it's not a horse, it feels like he was flying even though he's not.

After a while riding, we went down and said goodbye to Charlie.

- That was epic -

- I'm glad you liked it - he said putting his hand on my cheek and caressing it with his thumb, we were looking at each other, he came closer, his hands framing my face, I placed my hands on his arms and closed my eyes, I felt his lips on mine, it was delicate and sweet.


Charlie the unicorn is a serie that you can watch on YouTube, it's pretty funny, or not xD
I'll probably edit this chapter later.

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