12. Am I too naive (Update)

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After that night, he came to visit often, first he would come once a month, with new questions and temarks about us humans, or mortals, as he seems to adore talking about us. But eventually he came to visit me more and more often, until it was nearly everyday that he was around, I mean, there would be times he'd be gone for days, and if I questioned him about it, he'd never answer.

In our time together He kept teaching me to read the language of that book, he eventually told me it was an ancient language filled with richness, and that there were exquisite books about sorcery and magic written in that language, of course I was intrigued, and kept asking him to explain the grammar for me. He also started bringing me books, and by the way he talked about them, I soon noticed how much appreciation he had for them. I also showed him my favorite books, movies and, of course, my favorite food.

But don't get me wrong, it's not always like this with this man, we would often bicker about silly things, I think we both found join in pocking the other. Oh, and he was always interrupting me when I was doing research on my laptop, "stop paying attention to that machine, I'm your guest" or "Why don't you read me the next chapter, my eyes are tired", were things that he would often say. In the beginning i would ignore him or answer him bitterly, but one time, when I finished telling him no, I then got curious and looked at him from the corner of my eye... He looked dreadfully sad, as if there were something deep within him hurting him. So I obliged, I turned off my laptop and took the book that was now resting on the bed, and I read to him.

Of course, being the type of man, god, whatever, that he is, he will then start remarking how silly mortals should be, or how the stories were dull. I constantly ended up cutting him off, and going back to my laptop, but after seeing that gloomy expression on his face, I decided to take a different approach this time, and told him that maybe, if he could be a little more open to the way we humans express things, rather than the mistakes we make, he could find some beauty in our feelings.

That day he looked at me as if he were puzzled by a riddle, he looked around my bedroom as if his answer was somewhere out there, and then, in a soft tone, almost as a whisper, he asked me if i could continue reading the next chapter for him. I was a bit taken a back by the fragility in his voice, but i decided not to protest and kept reading just a little bit longer.

Anyway, today was a different day, and I was a bit more worried about public speaking in front of hundreds of people, but I'm a Stark, so I soldier on and gave the speech as full of hope and enthusiasm as I could.

As I left the Stark expo and came home I wondered if maybe I just need to be a little bit older and then people will start taking me seriously. The stupid paparazzi are always asking about "boys", Is it the only thing that matters for them? I'm a genius and the only thing they care about is if I already had my first kiss.

I went to my wardrobe to choose what to wear to Zerra's party, a guy that I just met at the expo, he's the son of a guy that works for my dad, so he invited to his party.

- That was a great speech -

- Oh my god, Loki, You scared me! - I said jumping subconsciously.

- Until you understand I'm your god - He said and I rolled my eyes.- Why so stressed my pet? - He said walking slowly around my wardrobe room.

- Those stupid Stark Expos - I said sitting on a couch in the middle of my wardrobe room, and why does he calls me pet?!

- I thought you enjoy going to them - He said sitting by my side. I looked at him and started laughing.

- Do you actually care? Why are you here, why you come to visit me? - I stood up and looked at him every second while I asked him.

If he was lying he must show some sign in his expression, right?

He took a deep breath, looking everywhere but me as he stood up

- Remember, that you wanted to know why you didn't get, why I couldn't control your mind with my scepter? - He said and I gulped, he seemed far more serious than ever.

- The scepter, it controlled mine, slightly, but it did it - I could tell that it was really hard for him to tell me that he seemed anxious, scared.

- That's why I'm here, you have something that the rest doesn't - He said, finally looking at me I opened my mouth to say something but he stopped me - And I know that I'm not worth your trust, but I just want to know you -

He was looking at his feet now. And I was left out of words. We didn't say anything for a moment, I was just too surprised that he just opened up to me.

- I trust you - I said, he looked at me and I smiled. He laughed a little and I smiled wider.

- Thank you - his cheeks blushed a little - Really, thank you. - he sat down, he seemed far more relaxed now.

After that little awkward moment I needed to break the tension.

- Now if you don't mind I'm leaving -

- Again? - He said standing up.

- I got invited to a party, see you tomorrow - I said and left the room as quickly as I could.

I needed space to think about what he just told me. Is he lying? and if he's lying, for what?
Maybe he just wants a friend.

The Biggest Lie // Loki x Stark DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now