4. I keep doing this (Update)

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-Well, I'm leaving now. I'll be back later, I guess -
- I'll be waiting here, my dear - He said in a soft tone and I nodded feeling my cheeks blushing, for being the bad guy he had pretty nice manners. But why am I blushing?!! He's the bad guy after all, I can act like a silly girl atound him!! I definitely have to calm myself.

So I walked out of the dungeons where two guards were waiting for me I told them that I just wanted to see the palace and that I was okay by myself. They didn't seem to care much about my presence because they just went their own way and talked with one another. When I came across the door of the place Loki told me and opened the door I saw a room with walls so tall, filled with books, this is better than the garden, or not, I don't know, I came in to the room and look closer at the books and touched them, oh, with covers so beautiful. I took one of them out of the shelf, it had a blue cover, it was thin but large and it had elegant gold ornaments around the corners, I opened the book, it was in a strange language, if the Chinese and Arabian language had a baby it would look like this, I'm sure. I kept going through the pages, it had illustrations that seemed to represent a ceremony, I decided to take it, maybe Thor knows how to read this, and I went back to the room they gave me, waiting for the Queen to call on me. There was something incredibly exciting about doing this in secrecy, going to the dungeons, talking with someone I'm not supposed to. I mean I know i have to be careful, don't get me wrong, but I will definitely enjoy it while it lasts.

- Oh, darling, I was starting to think that you weren't coming -

- I still want answers - I said in a more playful manner that I was hoping for but he seemed to enjoy it because he laughed. I gave him the food and waited until he sat on the bed. I tried to be patient but he seemed to be examining his food for ages so I had to ask - So, are you telling me now? -

- First, tell me something - He said and I nodded - Why you were in that place if you knew there was an invasion, didn't your father told you to leave? -

- I was doing homework - I said and he looked confused, I explained to him what homework is, and he apparently understood.

- And why was that homework that important? -

- I want to have a degree before 15 - he looked puzzled again - A paper that proves that I can use my brain for something good -

- Why would you want to prove that? - He asked standing up from the bed, he looked genuinely interested, but I tried to diminish it.

- First, because is normal on earth to go to college, and second, because well - I remembered what happened to my dad when I was younger, he changed and people still thinking awful things about him. - Because -

- Because... - he sat in front of me.

- Nothing, I just want to be respected - I said and his gaze softened.

- Why wouldn't you be respected, dear? -

Dear? Dear?! Did he just call me that? Seroiusly this man is such a tease. I need to ignore that and everything will be fine. Yes that's it.

- I don't know - I bit my bottom lip -America is a complicated place, the whole world is - I said rolling my eyes and smiling at the end.

At the end, He didn't answer any of my questions, but he asked a lot, and I answered all of them. We had a nice conversation that evening. In all honestly he was a really good listener and he seemed to actually care for what I have to say, I just wished he was a bit more open, maybe he feels more powerful when he has the answears I want so bad and he knows he's the only one that can give them to me. Anyhow, he is quite something, that's for sure.

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