9: Heated

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Chapter 9: Heated (X's POV)

I had to get out of the house after the disaster in the kitchen. I know it really wasn't Lexi's fault. None of us ever had the skill to make mom's special breakfast, so we didn't know he would react like that to the soufflés. I was a little annoyed as well with how I found them. I don't trust Xander around my mate. Sadly, I worry if I leave them alone in a room together for too long, he will be fathering my heir not me. Unfortunately, the true Alpha title does not work like that.

I decided to let Mikey out. My wolf has been wound up tight. He could use some freedom. We take a long hard run covering the entire island in just a few hours. Now we are hungry. Time to find something to fill my energy bar up and then I'll maybe go find V. She's been distant since Lexi got here and other then a brief visit in my office the other day I haven't seen her. I have a different kind of workout in mind for when I find her. As I get closer to the house Lexi's smell intensifies more than it ever has. Blueberries, vanilla, and cinnamon are all combined but it smells almost warm. The more I breathe it in the hotter the scent is.

Lexi is coming into heat. I guess my plans for tonight have shifted from V to Lexi. My wolf is currently sniffing her out. Trying to hunt her down. It's not hard. Well, some things are already hard. I look down at my already stiffened wolfhood. I pick up her scent out by the hot tub, but she is already gone. I shifted back to my human form as I enter the house not bothering to get dressed. Still following her scent, I catch a glimpse of her as she is walking through the living room in a tiny shimmering green bikini held together by just a few ties.

She is pressed against the wall before she even has time to register my presence in the room. "Little mate, your heat is coming and it's about time to make my heir," I growl lowly into her ear as I undo the ties to the little clothing she is wearing.

She moans as my naked hardness grazes her sex. The heat is already starting to cloud her mind. This will last for the next three days. She will be sex-crazed, and I will take every opportunity I can to reach my goal. After she bears my pup, she will never go through heat again. It is meant to bring mates together. I find it, as a means to an end, to get what I want from her. I reach between us to find her already dripping wet and not from the hot tub.

I easily slip in, but she is still tight around my shaft. I knew she was no whore, but she is experienced. She has just never had anything as plus sized as mine before. She will soon be formed to my cock and sadly I will ruin her for most men. She feels heavenly around my cock and since I'm opportunistic, I don't hold on as I would normally. I quickly explode my first load into her before she has a chance to change her mind. With the pull of her heat around me, I don't even soften; I just continue as if I didn't just bust a nut. I fuck her against the wall for the next hour before her knees buckle. I'm not completely selfish she came at least three times that I know of, I came four.

I pick her up and sling her over my shoulder. I slap her ass hard before I lay her in her bed. She moans at the contact. I'll let her rest and come back to play with her later. I plan to eat and shower while she rests. Then I will continue in my mission. I eat quickly but don't make it to the shower. Her heat is intensified, and I cannot stay away for that long. I need to feel her. I need her wrapped around me again.

She is still sleeping when I plant my dick in between her thighs. She doesn't complain. Within minutes she is screaming my name. Throughout the night, I lose track of our comings. I know I am spent by midnight and crash. A few hours later I hear crashing coming from the kitchen. Lexi?

I rush out still in the buff to see what the commotion is. I find my mate pressed against a wall with Xander's hand wrapped around her neck. His pants are down, and he is pumping into my heated mate. My wolf losses it. That is his honey hole. I shoulder Xander and let lose an Alpha-worthy growl. "Mine, I will not share."

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