4: Want

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Chapter 4: Want (Lexi's POV)

I barely made it out of the house before I shifted into my almost all-white wolf. Akira has a few black spots on her ears, tail, and paws.

Akira finally speaks once we are under the cover of the trees. "You can't seriously be considering this can you?"

I come from an Alpha family, so I understand how the Alpha Heir process works. "I don't know. I wasn't left with much of an option. I can try rejecting him, but he won't accept it. Then we would be forced into this. Do you want to be locked up?"

"Nooo..." Akira screamed back in my head.

"If we do this, we get a pup. We've always wanted a pup of our own and this is our chance. We get another chance at being a mom. Then we get the option to choose our mate. Maybe a certain twin, that we wish was our mate, could be our mate. We know that he no longer has one."

"Yeah, but he killed his mate, and from what X said, he's not that stable." She's unsure about Xand. I understand that we just met him. But he feels like a familiar soul.

We had made it to the waterfall that X had told us about and took our time swimming around as we continued to think about our situation and about Xand. He is gorgeous with pale blue eyes and a very muscular toned body, more so than X's. I think all he needs is a good woman who can show him love, after all the bad that has happened to him.

We fell asleep at some point while laying on a rock sunning our self. I woke up in my human form to the sound of "Good Goddess." Followed by a sexy growl.

I looked up to find Xander in nothing but a pair of gym shorts. He looked absolutely delicious with his bare muscular chest that is covered in tattoos. His pure black eyes stare unashamedly at me. With his head cocked to the side, he does seem more attracted to me than my mate does.

Xander shook his head multiple times and then covered his face in his hands. I could hear him muttering to himself, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. If I were guessing, I would think he was trying to control his wolf. I rolled off the rock and into the water so that all that could be seen clearly was the tops of my breasts.

When he finally looked up again his eyes were back to their beautiful blue. He held up a large blanket for me. I stepped out of the water unashamed of my naked form. I wanted him to want me. He held the blanket higher, so he couldn't watch me.

I grabbed the blanket from him and wrapped it around me. I stared at him waiting for him to say something, but instead, he pulled me into a hug. I could feel his pain at my situation, and all of my bravado fell. He understood better than anyone else could and it allowed me to cry while embraced in his arms. I cried for not having any choice. For what I'm going to have to do with someone that doesn't even like me.

When my tears finally dried, I asked, "What are you doing here Xand?"

"I came to check on you."

"I call bullshit." I huffed out. He's covering for X again.

"I may have also been sent here by my brother to try to convince you to go along with his crazy plan. I promise you, though, that I only accepted because I did want to make sure you were okay." He said rubbing my back with a large firm hand.

I took the opportunity to snuggle closer into his chest. He smells amazing. Like breakfast, I just can't put my finger on exactly what kind. "Thank you. Do you think I should go through with this?" I looked up into his beautiful eyes as I asked him this.

He looked down at me and replied, "I can't say that what my brother is doing is right. He's going against the nature of mates. I blame myself for this. If I listened to everyone and didn't go to The Claiming...." He trailed off lost in his own thoughts. He rested his head on my shoulder, absorbing the comfort of my embrace. "It's been a long time since someone other than family hugged me. Most people are afraid of me."

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