CH 27: Now & Forever

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Chapter 27: Now & Forever (Lexi's POV)

The past month has been different. I haven't returned to X's bed, but I have been spending a lot more time with him. We used to have separate days with Izza. Or depending on what each other had going on we would split our day with her.

Now we have a different routine. We eat meals together as a family. We include each other in our planned activities. X has always done this I just chose not to join in. I was afraid of getting too close.

I have spent the last five years running. I may have been here, but I have pushed him away. I know why I ran in the beginning. Why I pushed back. But now, my reasons are all gone.

I have spent the last month standing still. I haven't run but I haven't taken a single step forward. I have just watched as X has proved himself time and time again that he has become a better man. He has become better while I have changed into a bitter bitch.

I stand in front of the sink in my condo cooking today's breakfast. X is here. He and Izza are coloring at the table while I cook. I guess I had gotten lost in my train of thought because X is beside me grabbing the spatula from my hand.

"I like my pancakes fluffy, not burned to a crisp." He jokes while nudging my arm with his. "You okay. It's not like you to burn food."

I look up at him and lick my lips. He looks delicious this morning. A tight green Henley paired with dark-washed jeans. His muscles ripple under my gaze and I wonder how much more stretch his shirt can stand.

X turns off the stove and moves behind me. His hands are on either side of my body on the counter. His warm hard body is pressed against my back. I almost let a moan escape my lips but the sound of Izza softly singing to herself stops me.

After a deep breath, I respond, "I'm fine." My voice is shaky when it comes out.

His mouth is at my ear, "If that's what you have to keep telling yourself." A sharp tumor runs through my body as his teeth graze my ear. I nearly melt. X turns back to the table and continues to color with Izza. I move back to the stove to continue cooking, but I sneak a peek at X. He caught me, of course, because he is staring at me, not the drawing in front of him. His bright green eyes have darkened. Not quite black but if I don't look away now they will be.

With a sigh, I return to breakfast. The rest of our family meal is uneventful. After I get Izza ready for her play date. Her Aunt Bree is picking her up. Bree will be taking Izza and her son Caleb to Fun Spot.

So today is a rare kid-free day and work-free day for me. I have plans to go up to the roof and soak in the hot tub and later go get my nails done. Or maybe I should spend the day with X. That could be a different kind of fun.

Bree whirls in and out of the condo so quickly that I barely have a chance to say a proper goodbye before they are gone. X is still here and the heat of his gaze is enough to melt my panties. Fuck. Do I spend the day with him? Do I do other bits with him? Do I finally let go?

"Can we talk?" The words are out of my mouth before I even process that I spoke.

"Of course." His voice is deep and husky as he answers. He motions for me to join him at the table. As I approach him he grabs me by the waist and pulls me onto his lap. "So what do you want to talk about Love."

I wiggle in place for a minute unsure if I should be sitting here. At the same time, this is exactly where I feel I should be. X, on the other hand, seems to be greatly enjoying the wiggling. Made evident by the hardness pressed against me, and the growl that escapes his lips.

"I'm not really sure. I... I'm... Not sure how to say this." Asked him to talk and now I am speechless. I am so nervous and I don't know why. This is X. He has already proclaimed that he wants me. I can feel his want pressed against me.

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