16: Failing You

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Chapter 16: Failing You (V's POV)

"I think that was the greatest meal I've ever had in my life." I smile up at Xandor before stretching up on my toes to give him a sweet kiss. He had taken me to Urban Jam. They are known for their crawfish jambalaya stuffed dumplings, but that's not all we got. I think Xandor ordered half the menu. I am so full I don't know if I can walk to the car.

Our night had been exquisite. Good food and great conversation. Xandor was smiling and animated as he told me the funniest story about one of the warriors losing their pants just as the female warriors rounded the corner when returning from their run. We had sat in a corner booth, and it felt like he had to be touching in some way all night. Which is fine by me because I felt the same way.

When I kissed him during our walk to his Charger he pulled me in closer, deepening our kiss. I felt dizzy from it by the time he let me go. Which was wonderful and awful at the same time. It did wonders for my lady bits, but my stomach did not care for it much.

"I always overindulge when I come here," His smile is bright as he opens the door for me. "It looks like you did too, Kitten." I shoot him a quizzical look, "You looked a little green there for a moment and started to sway. I was afraid I was going to have to catch you."

I blushed slightly embarrassed by how much I ate tonight. I had given Xandor a run for his money.

Before closing the door behind me he took in a deep breath of my scent, kissed my neck, and whispered, "I will always catch you V." Well if my panties weren't already soaked they are now.

He chuckled as he straightened up, "You smell more delicious than our entire meal. It's a good thing I left room for dessert."

Before I could respond he had closed my door and rounded the car. Once he was in his seat and the car started he took my hand in his and placed them together high on my thigh, pushing my navy bodycon dress up towards my hips.

We were comfortably quiet on our drive home. Xandor seemed happy. His smile wide. That could be because he had stretched out his pinky to dip under my lace underwear. A satisfied growl rumbled from his chest when his finger met the wetness dripping from my center.

We were about a mile from the Packhouse when a car crossed into our lane causing him to swing wide cursing at the dumbass that nearly hit us. My stomach lurched at the sudden movement but settled again as we straightened out.

"Fucking jackass. Learn how to drive and pay attention." He screams after the other car.

He was grumbly and growly all the rest of the way home mumbling things like "They could have killed you. And I would have killed them." And "I would have killed them if they fucked up this car. Mom bought me it for me."

Once we had made it to the elevator though his mood had shifted. He had taken a couple of drags off his pot vape and had started to look at me like dessert again. We rode up to the top floor alone. Xandor had his hand up my skirt squeezing my ass as he kissed me deeply. I couldn't wait to get to our room.

When the elevator came to its stop, I felt another slight wave of nausea. I pulled back from him and he asks, "You okay Kitten?"

"As good dinner was, I am never eating that much again," I respond with a smile back on my face now. Trying desperately to not ruin our night.

He wears a concerned face while we open our door and enter the Beta apartment. But all concerns are forgotten as he wraps his muscular arms around me from behind and peppers kisses down my neck and across my shoulder. His nose moves to rub circles over the spot where my mate should mark me and it feels as if butterflies erupt from my chest.

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