10: MAD Room

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Chapter 10: MAD Room (Xand's POV)

Fuck my head hurts. Where am I? What did I do?

"Good morning Beta Fury." Doctor Maggie tells me in an overly cheerful voice.

"Mags, you have known me my whole life. Please just call me Xand." I say softly trying to keep my head from exploding. Why is the sun shining in my room and why does it have to be so bright. Fuck you sun. Nobody likes you. "Can you close the blinds?"

Maggie, I'm guessing does as I ask, and I can finally manage to open my eyes. Looking around me I start to get an idea of why my head hurts so bad. I am in a room that I am remarkably familiar with. I have spent a lot of time here. X and V built this room for me. They built it while I was at my worst. They built it to contain the beast that wanted nothing more than to burn the earth to ashes while I laughed my head off at others suffering. I was suffering so the world should have been suffering too.

This is my MAD room. It's padded. I have a tv, but it's behind bulletproof glass. I have built-in bins that hold my clothing. My bed is a small, raised platform that is double padded in memory foam for "My Comfort". There is a window, but it has more bulletproof glass and bars to keep me from escaping when I need to be controlled. It used to be white, but during one of my more clear-headed times, I told V that the white hurt my head, so we painted it. V is a talented artist. She painted the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland with the words "We're All MAD Here" in a few diverse ways, all around the room. That's why it's called the MAD room. V has always had a way of helping me tame my demons.

"How are you feeling today Xand," Maggie asks bringing me back to our present conversation.

"I feel like I was beaten upside the head with a butcher's block. Wait that's because I was." I say smiling at her. The event that led me here is starting to come back.

I had finally made it home. I had tried to talk to Court but she told me to fuck off again, so I decided to go against doctor's orders and drink. It was late when I got home. Maybe two in the morning. I could smell her the moment I walked in. I just wanted to go to bed, I tried to run quickly to the stairs and disappear to my room, but there she was. Lexi was bent over in the kitchen getting something out of the fridge. Before I could stop him, Lucifer took over.

We were balls deep in her from behind before she could even sense we were in the room. I took her there bent over until she came, and I followed with her. I closed the fridge and moved her over to the counter, so she had more support and continued to go at it hard. I know we finished at least one more time before she knocked over the fruit bowl and X came out. He thought just because he is the Alpha that Lucifer would submit. He should have known that Lucifer would never back down. Lucifer raged back at him and he cowered away. Or so I thought. He had let me get distracted by Lexi again before he knocked the fuck out of me.

I know I have been given my meds. I can feel the calm from them, but I think they gave me something else too. "Mags, what the hell did you give me. Other than my headache I feel more relaxed than I ever have in years."

"I spoke with V about your outburst where you destroyed the kitchen. She told me that you were doing so well on your meds, but you still had an edge. That you needed something to mellow you some and help you relax." Maggie gave me a big smile before handing me a large wooden box. I opened it and was a little confused. There was a large bag of gummies, what looks like a vape pen, rolling paper, and a baggie of... oh no shit they are giving me pot, "Welcome to the world of medicinal marijuana Xand. Take it easy on the edibles they will sneak up on you and kick your ass. When you are ready to leave, you can go shopping at the Pharmacy and see what else you would like to try out."

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