CH 25: Bondaries

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Chapter 25: Boundaries (Lexi's POV)

X left to go see Xand off to the airport, so I'm left here alone. I'm thankful for the space. Ever since I rejected X he has been almost clingy. He doesn't give me space to breathe most of the time that I am here. I have culinary classes during the week and then I bring Izza here on the weekends.

X has been a very attentive father. He has made time to spend with her. He keeps his weekends fairly clear. As Alpha, he does have commitments, but he has been there. I almost have to fight him on weekends just to hold her. Then he just jokes that he'll hand Izza over for me to hold if he can hold the both of us in his lap. Perv.

He sends me messages throughout the week asking about Izza, class, and if I'm happy in Arizona. He has asked multiple times that Izza and I move here. I'm not ready to give in. I'm afraid if I move here now, that I'll mistake his kindness for something more. I'm not even sure if I would be open to something more if he was.

I shake my head. Of course, he doesn't want more. He's the one that came up with this arrangement. Make a pup, be friends, have our pup, reject each other, and co-parent. That was the deal. Then why do I feel like he keeps trying the blur the lines?

As far as I know, he hasn't been with anyone else since the day we meet and I caught him with V. Just because he's horny doesn't mean he gets to take those frustrations out on me. Not that I couldn't use a good orgasm every now and then, but that doesn't mean I have to be a slave to my hormones. I'm not saying that X isn't good at getting the job done. He definitely knows what he is doing, but I don't need a man. Plus it would just complicate things even more between us.

Izza starts to get fussy, so I walk down the hall to her nursery that X put together. It has a door that adjoins to the bedroom he set up for me. The room is gorgeous. One wall has a fairytale castle surrounded by a lush forest painted on it. The rest is painted in soft peach with stars, swirls, and polka dots in silver splattered around the room. A white crib, changing table dressers and a rocking chair fill the space as well.

X had the best monitoring systems of all installed here and also at my house back in Arizona. I can check on her from my phone anytime I want to, or there is an IPad dedicated to her security. I check her diaper first but it's dry, so my next guess is that she's hungry.

I move to the rocking chair to nurse her. We rock together as she eats and I sing Disney songs to her. I'm in the middle of "When You Wish Upon A Star" when I look up to find X staring at us. I hold up one finger to my mouth in a motion for him to stay quiet. Izza had just fallen asleep, so I rock her for another moment and move her to the crib.

I pick up the monitor to take with me and when I look back at X his eyes are deep pools of black. I look down and notice I hadn't fixed myself back into my shirt. Once I correct my clothing, I send him a smirk. Oh, X, you can look but it's better for us both if you don't touch.

I walk past him and am barely into the hallway before I find myself caged between his arms, his body, and the wall.

"Can you imagine what I felt when I walked into the nursery?" His breath is hot against the shell of my ear.

My heart races, but I don't give into him. "What did you feel?" I ask in return, while desperately trying to keep my body from reacting to his.

Not a single part of his body is touching me but I feel as if I am bathed in his essence. "I felt as if my entire world was sitting in that rocking chair." He takes a deep breath in. Inhaling my scent from my neck. "But like the rocking chair, my world is teetering back and forth."

I place a hand in the center of his muscular chest and push backward. He warrants my request for him to take a step back. I turn from him and continue in my destination to his office. He follows behind me and with a hopeful gaze, he locks the door behind us.

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