2: Pay Back

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Chapter 2: Pay Back (Xander's POV)

"Jax, Jax. I need your help. X just fucked me over and left." I mind-linked Jax in a panic.

"It's okay. I'll let the pastor know that we are skipping over that part."

"We can't do that. Can't you speak?"

"I've spoken at enough funerals. It's X's turn to rule and as Beta, you need to back him up when he's not here. Why did he leave anyway?" Jaz laughed.

"His mate is here, and he ran away like the little bitch he is."

"Oh, well I guess that means you're up. Good luck pup." I could hear the smile in his voice, and I growled. Everyone around me looked at me like I was crazy. Great, just what I need right now.

"Ahhh, Beta Xander, I have been informed that you would be speaking in place of Alpha Xavier. Are you ready to say your goodbyes?" Pastor Randy asked.

"Sure," I said as I walked up to the podium. I saw several females fanning themselves as I walked by. That gave me a little confidence boost. I made it onto the stage and started, "I don't think we ever honestly say goodbye to anyone. I will never say goodbye to my memories of Martha tucking me in at night. I will never say goodbye to the memories of Henry showing me how to throw a punch when my mom wouldn't let dad teach me because I was too young. I will hold them close in my heart. They may have been working for my parents, but I never felt like we were a job. They made us feel like family. Even though I have only met a few of the Parks family in person, I feel like I know each and every one of you from their stories."

I stopped took a deep breath and then continued, "I always loved to watch them together. Even though they were older they showed each other their love every day. Each of us can only ever wish for the devotion they had for each other. They lived the dream and left this world the only way they would have wanted to, together. So, till we met again, Martha and Henry you will always be the best grandparents a kid could have asked for. Love you." I finished with a bow of my head and my hand over my heart.

I stepped off of the stage and heard awes clapping, and a few sobs from the crowd. I did it. As I walked back to my seat, I had a few more eyes bat at me. Ladies were all shifting in their seats as I walked by, and the smell of arousal hung in the air. This is going to be an interesting night.

Jax mind-linked me as I sat down, "Good job pup. I think that's the longest I've heard you speak ever. You had your dad's charm and your mom's grace up there. They would have been proud."

I didn't respond. I couldn't. A few tears ran down my face at his words. No one has been proud of me for a long time.

I sat and listened to the others reminisce and before long Pastor, Randy was speaking again. "Ashes to ashes dust to dust in our Moon Goddess we trust." He said as he let their ashes fly over the water. At this everyone mournfully got up and headed to their vehicles to head back to the Packhouse. Now I must talk to X's mate, but I will wait until we are at the memorial. It's closer to where she will go to meet him anyway.

I'm really enjoying the me that I am today, I think as I pull into my garage. I'm parking here and then taking the short walk over to the training grounds that have been set up to hold all those that came out today.

When I make my way out onto the field Kenzie and Kaylee approach me first with a hug. "I didn't know you remembered how to talk bro," Jordan said, punching me in the arm, followed by more hugs from Taylor and Talia. I smiled, I missed this.

After chatting with my family, I decided I wanted to get some food before I hunted down X's mate. I piled my plate high with food and found a seat with Jax and Kelly. I dug into my plate like I hadn't eaten in a month. We don't cook at the house, so I eat out way too much.

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