1: 5 Years Later

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Chapter 1: 5 Years Later (Xavier's POV)

"Oh Alpha. Yes. Right. There. Fuck. Me. Harder. X. Faster!" Veronica moaned in between each thrust as I took her from behind.

A lot has changed in the last five years. Xander stepped down from being heir after that mess with his mate. Dad was found at the bottom of the pool on the anniversary of mom's death. I had already taken over as Alpha by then and made sure he was buried with her. Not the best time for the Fury family.

Xander has been a ticking time bomb. He was always the quiet one. Momma's good boy who waited for his mate. See where that got him. See where that got mom and dad. I will never mark any woman. I will never accept my mate.

Veronica's cool though. She's a mix of Hispanic and black with dark hair and caramel-colored skin and eyes. Also, she can keep up with my needs and it's a plus that she is twenty-six with no mate. There's a good possibility that he died before she could meet him. She's enjoying being my release, so I don't think she minds too much. I take care of her, buy whatever she wants, and I fuck her till she is screaming my name for hours. The only thing I won't do is give her a pup. At least not my first pup. That unfortunately must be with someone I have marked or my mate for the pup to be the Alpha Heir.

I turned twenty-three a few months back and have yet to come across this magical mate that everyone keeps talking about. Maybe she doesn't exist. I'd be better off, but then the Fury family's one-hundred-thirty-seven-year reign as Alpha could be over. We could be challenged for the rights to the Elder Island Pack. I wish that Xand was stable enough to be Alpha, then I wouldn't have to worry about this, but if you even drink coffee in the same room with him, he goes berserk.

After Veronica has cum for the third time I finally finish. I pull out, remove, and tie the end of the rubber before tossing it in the trash by my bed. As I was headed to the bathroom, someone tries to mind link me.

"X, I have some unwelcome news." Uncle Jax rang in my head.

"Can I at least shower before you tell me?" Nobody wants to have bad news before they even put their pants on for the day.

"I'll be downstairs when you're dressed."

"Thanks." I want to pout but Alpha's don't get to be brats. We have to take charge and face the music.

"Well, this already sounds like it's going to be a shitty day." MY wolf Michelangelo rang in my head. I call him Mikey for short since I named him after my favorite turtle. I quickly showered, dressed, and made my way downstairs. I have the second floor and Xand had the top floor. We should have switched when I became Alpha, but I really didn't see any point. Xand is happier the further he is away from most people. He makes a great Beta. Everyone is afraid I will unleash the beast on them, so it all works out.

As I entered the kitchen Aunt Kelly and Uncle Jax were sitting at the table. Kelly was crying and Jax had his arm tightly around her.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

"Martha and Henry passed away in their sleep last night," Jax told me over Kelly's sobs.

It was common, when mates passed at an older age, for them to go together. The other can't survive the death of their mate and their wolf at once. Another reason I will never have a mate.

"Their family wants permission to come in and have a service for them. It will be a large group." Jax continued.

"That's fine whatever they need. We will accommodate them in every way. The guest rooms are empty since the others moved into the packhouse." I have five other siblings besides my twin Xander. Four of us are of age, and the others will be within a few years. I'm the only one over the age of eighteen that hasn't found their mate. Kenzie just so happens to be mated to Jax and Kelly's son Corbyn and Kaylee is mated to doctor Maggie's granddaughter Morgan.

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