Ch 19: The Good Life

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Chapter 19: The Good Life (V POV)

The nerve of this bitch. I can't believe she showed up at my party and is still spewing her lies. I stand in front of Courtney with my arms crossed. I am actively trying not to hit her. I know she's pregnant. Thankfully not by Xander. I am pregnant too. So as much as I would like to lay her out for being a dumb bitch I'm holding back.

"What did you call me," Courtney shouts back.

"I called you a lot of things Court. Which one offended you. Was it stupid, lying, manipulative, cunt, or bitch, because they are all true. I know that is not Xander's baby." I shoot at her.

"You don't know anything." Courtney steps forward.

I feel Xander pressed behind me. It feels protective. I don't think he would hurt Courtney, but he won't tolerate her hurting me or our baby. "I know that you are only a few weeks along and that it is your mate's baby you are carrying."

"What is she talking about Court. You told me your mate died." Xander booms from above me.

"You told him I was dead." Another man approaches from behind. "You told me that he forced into you without a condom when you were just hanging out as friends and that's why you're trying to get money out of him."

"She told you what. I would never." The full force of Xander's authority, more Alpha than Beta, comes from him this time. "That bitch rode me bare. I told her I had a condom and... Look this is not the time or place for this conversation. If I would have known about you none of this would ever have happened."

Courtney turns to her mate and starts to fake cry. "He's lying Lewes. I would never have cheated on you."

Lewes holds up a hand for her to stop, shakes his head, and walks back down the steps. Courtney turns and runs after him screaming and crying that she's the victim.

Xander wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry about all this. I should have never gotten involved with her."

The rest of the party's attention has settled into everyone talking, dancing, and drinking.

"How did you even get into this."

"Not my proudest moment, but my mental health was finally doing well, and it was time to finally... You know..." His cheeks are bright red.

"Wait a minute. Are you telling me you lost your V card to that?" I hate her even more. She did not deserve that privilege.

"Shh... Everyone doesn't need to know that. She doesn't even know." He runs his hands through his beard and takes a puff of his vape.

"So who was number two." Curious about who he had run through before me.

He looked away and back at me, "Lexi while she was in heat and then you. That is the full extent of my sexual history." He shrugs when all I can do is stare at him. Xander is a complete boss in bed. How is it that he has only been with three people? My number is only five but how?


"Kitten," He says in a low growly voice. "I waited for my mate. Then things didn't go well with that, and I wasn't in a place to actually do anything with a girl."

He goes red again as if something mortifying just struck him.

"What's that look for?" He's so sexy when he blushes.

"You were actually the first one to touch me." Hello, jaw meet floor.

I'm shocked. After being with X who was a man whore, taking in that most of his sexual experiences have involved me, is shocking. It makes me smile and blush back at him.

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