15: Been A Day

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Chapter 15: Been A Day (X's POV)

The silence in my car feels deafening. I was feeling better when I was with Lexi, but that just complicates things. I told her it's been a day. What the fuck does that even mean.

Today I found out I'm going to be a dad. Part of me is like yay our efforts weren't for nothing. The other part is sad that we won't get to continue to try again. The biggest part is surprisingly happy and proud that I'm going to be a dad. This surprises me because until I saw our little bean on the screen I wasn't entirely sure I even wanted this. It was more of a duty, but now... Now I just want to be a better dad than mine was.

While at the doctors we bumped into Courtney. Even though I'm happy to be having a pup, it still rubs me the wrong way that Xand could have been the one to do all this. If nothing else it seems like his cock works fine. Too well. Of course, everyone wants him and his giant cock. Seeing Courtney put me in a mood, and that caused me to leave Lexi earlier than I planned to.

I had wanted to go celebrate. Maybe take her to lunch or shopping. After Courtney mentioned Xand, my mood soured. If he's going to be Court's baby daddy that's his issue. I'm sure V will just love that. Not my problem though. But with my surly attitude comes perspective. Going out with Lexi to celebrate would have just opened our bond even more. I felt it surge through me already when I was in that room with her. No need to make this any harder than it already is.

I excused myself back to the Pack. I stayed in my office. It's childish but I'm trying to avoid Xand. Since he laid me out last week he has been here for all of his scheduled times and actually seems to be doing his job. And he's doing it with a stupid smile on his face. Goddess, I want to punch out his teeth every time he smiles. Smug son of an asshole.

During the last hour of the day is when we got the distress call. We all hurried out to the beach, but it was on the far side that is mainly vacation homes and unpopulated areas. It was already too late to save them, but I jumped in after them anyway, and so did Xand.

Growing up, Xand and I, were like fish in the water. It was a hard swim, but we did manage to get their bodies to shore. At least their families have that. Tymm and Myke Green had been Junior Warriors still in high school. Tymm was a Senior and Myke a Freshman. Myke's twin brother Tom had gotten in trouble and was stuck on clean-up duty today.

As mad as I am at Xand right now, I don't think I would survive his death. The whole thing has got me in my head. Losing two Pack members hurts. They were both so young. I can only imagine how their parents are handling this. I have only known that I'm going to be a father for a few short hours and it already has my chest tight with worry. The look on Tom's face when he saw Myke still on the sand. It was as if half of him had died because it did.

It was hours before we cleared out to go home. I stopped by my office to drop off some things I'll need in the morning before showering and changing there. When I got home, Lexi was waiting. She looked slightly irritated at my lateness until she took in my appearance. I think today may have aged me some.

"Hey," She says as I enter. Without saying a word I walked toward Lexi before pulling her into a hug. I need her right now. I need our bond, her scent, her touch. It makes the pain go away if only for a moment. "What's wrong? What happened?"

I just squeeze her tighter for a moment, before I tell her about the teens. I won't delve into the rest of the fears that this caused, but she at least knows enough to comfort me, and she does.

The problem is and will always be the bond. Her scent intensifies while in my arms. I can smell the inappropriate reaction taking place that causes my dick to harden. This is not the time to be aroused, but when Lexi looks up at me, I can't help by notice how pink her lips are. How full and soft they look. The bond rolls through me as I remember how good she tastes. Before I do something stupid a small growl leaves my chest and I pull away.

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