Ch 20: Let Her Go

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Chapter 20: Let Her Go (X's POV)

"Mate" The word floats through the room like a virus. I look to Xand first. He looks as though all of the light in the world has died. Then to V. She looks worse. Finally to Conner. I can't say I like the look in his eyes. It looks almost creepy happy.

The other Alphas all stand behind Conner in support. They look worried as if we will try to keep his mate from him. That is V's choice.

I look back at V and she opens her mouth to speak. Nothing comes out. She tries again and looks towards Xand. He breaks the silence as tears roll down her face.

"Don't." He commands. His voice is not loud but it is ice cold and filled with more power than I have ever felt from an Alpha.

This time Conner speaks. "What is going on?"

Xander turns and faces V's mate. "Promise to take care of her."

Conner looks taken aback, "Of course I will take care of her. She is my mate."

"Are you man enough to also take care of her pup?" Xander is deadpan series as he asks. His eyes bore deep into Conners.

"She has a pup?" Conner runs a hand through his hair. He looks older than I originally would have guessed. He is probably nearing his thirties. "When can I meet him... Her?"

"In about five months," Xander replies his eyes now on the floor.

"Will the father cause any issues," Conner says looking at V now.

"No. It's her pup. A gift from a friend." Xander moves towards the door. He is careful to walk around V so they do not touch. Then he's gone.

I want to run after him. I want to shake him. I want him to beg V to stay. This will break him. There is no other outcome because it is breaking me. V will be leaving with her mate. V can't leave. She is part of this family.

Jordan pokes his head into the room. "Everything alright. Xand just looked as if someone died." You can tell the moment he takes in my expression. I must look bad. I try to school my face into a more acceptable look. A look that an Alpha would wear, but all I can really do is hope for the best.

I clear my throat and respond since no one else says anything. "This is V's mate Conner."

Jordan's normal smiley face is gone. He looks confused. I'm sure his expression is still better than mine. "Oh." That's my little brother for you. He has such a way with words.

"Can you get Lexi for me? I'd like her here for when V says goodbye." I can barely say the words, but I need my mate so bad right now.

"Goodbye?" The words are spoken so quietly from V that had I not been looking at her I may have missed it.

Conner now moves towards V. Her head is bowed, eyes closed, and she is just barely inside the office. Conner places two fingers under her chin and she gasps at his touch. The first touch from your mate can be a jolt to your whole system. She looks up and into his eyes. Tears continue to fall down her face.

"Will you leave with me, little one?" Conner asks in a gentle voice.

I will her to say no, but I don't think she can. I'm not sure what all was behind the single word that Xander spoke to her, but it felt monumental. V nods her head as a yes.

Lexi comes in behind them and V steps to the side so Lexi has room to enter. Conner follows her movement. Jordan must have told Lexi what was going on and she steps forward and embraces me without saying a word. Lexi and V have never been friends, but Lex knows the impact this will have.

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