Ch 18: 1+1=3

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Chapter 18: 1+1=3 (Xander's POV)

"Come on Xand, that has to be enough suicides for one day," Jordan whines as he and the rest of the warrior pack collapse on the field at my feet. I have done every exercise with them today and am barely breathing hard but they all look like they may drop dead here where they lie.

"One more set Jordi and then we will be done for the day." I offer him a hand and pull him back to his feet. My little brother wants to be our lead warrior, so he needs to be pushed. He has the size and the bloodline to be great at it, but he could still use some work on his stamina.

We finish out the last set of suicides and I send them on their way. Jordi hangs back to help me clean up after training.

"What bug is up your but today Xand. You never push us that hard and you never keep us here this late." The kid is observant, I'll give my little bro that.

We are now in the locker rooms after putting up the supplies and I slump down onto the bench. "Have you ever felt like all you do is disappoint everyone around you?"

"No, but no one's expectations of me are very high. I could sit back and be a slacker, and no one would blink an eye." He says as he sits next to me on the bench.

"That's not true baby bro. I would kick your ass if you tried to be some rich kid riding out their family's money. I'm proud of you for all the work you put in as a warrior." I clap him on the shoulder as he gives me a long hard look.

"So after that little speech you just gave me, do you really think you are disappointing everyone." He punches me hard in the shoulder and continues. "You have worked so hard to get to where you are now. We all see it. It's so nice having my brother back. Even if you do try to kill me every day."

I laugh at his response. "Thanks. I kinda needed that today."

"So you want to tell me what happened?"

I sigh and tell him about last night. The great letdown that I am. Full Alpha blood and I can't seem to get V pregnant.

"You are being too hard on yourself. These things can take time. It took Uncle Jax and Aunt Kelly years to have a pup, and they are mates. You just have to not give up."

I go to argue, but he is being so damn logical. I can't find a proper argument.

"I'm sure the trying has been fun." He wiggles his eyebrows at me with a silly grin across his face.

I shake my head at my brother. He actually chooses to follow my path and wait for his mate. He has three months left until he turns eighteen. I hope for his sake that when he meets his mate it goes better than when I did.

"You're coming to V's party tomorrow, right?" I ask changing the subject.

"Of course I am. I wouldn't miss it for anything."


After training, I had a meeting with X and some other Alphas with their Betas to go over some future trades. Elder Island is a large exporter of tropical fruits. We work with other packs for trade and sale. We are a completely sustainable island, but this helps to improve relationships with other packs. A few of the new Alphas, that we are trying to establish relationships with, will be coming to the island in the next few weeks.

Due to this meeting, it is very late when I return to V and my apartment at the Packhouse. I know the moment I walk in the door that I'm in trouble. It looks like V had set up a very romantic dinner for two. The dinner she had for us is left abandoned on the table, at least my half of the dinner. She seems to have eaten hers. There are low-melted candles in the table center. Lastly, there is a trail of white rose petals that leads to our bedroom.

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