Ch. 22: Living Nightmare

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Chapter 22: Living Nightmare (Xander's POV)

From stoned to sober in less than three seconds. I overindulge just to be able to deal with listening to the lucky bastard that has my V. His cold tone about V not being any of our business had me wanting to reach through the video call and straggle the fucker. I knew I had no right to hate him until that message came through. I pushed her away. I pushed her into him. This is all my fault. She may have wanted to stay but I gave her no choice.

The moment I read the message I knew it was from her. I also knew that I fucked up more by sending her away than I ever had before in my life. And that's saying a lot because I snapped and ripped out my mate's throat. Looks like I will be doing the same to V's mate.

Fuck my whole life. Why did I make her leave? If this asshole has harmed one hair on her head. I will kill him. Then an even worse thought crossed my thoughts. The pup. Our pup. V's pup. I saw red. I was up and marching out the door before I even knew what I was doing. Somewhere behind me, I knew X was yelling for me, but he might as well have been a bee buzzing behind me.

"Gather our allies and meet me there," I said as I left.

I linked Jordi to have a seaplane ready for me in twenty minutes. My tone was full of authority so he never once questioned me. When I made it across the island in wolf form the plane was ready. I had researched Alpha Conner after V left with him. I knew where his Pack was located. It would take two hours by plane and then another hour by car to reach him.

Three and a half hours from the time we received the message that Conner was not a good mate and I was in the shadows outside the compound that held his pack. It wasn't much more than a gated community. I could smell his guards that roamed the perimeter. I waited until they were a good distance away before I jumped the wall.

It's still daylighted out so I keep to the shadows. I had made it a good distance, even moving slowly, before the first alarm went up. Guards must have caught my scent. That's fine. I will go through them if I have to. Killing innocent bystanders is not high on my agenda, but for her... For them, I will perform genocide if deemed necessary.

I make it a few more miles, following the strongest scent of wolves. Knowing it will lead me to their Packhouse. It is then I meet my first obstacle. Three wolves jump at me from all sides. Not fully shifting I bring up two clawed paws. My jaw is elongated but my body is still more man than a wolf.

The first wolf attacks from my left. My claws find his exposed chest the instant he is close enough to reach. Another attack from behind. My right foot kicks backward at the mutt, and I swing the body of the wolf in my left claw at the wolf on my right. Twisting with the motion, I end in a crouch, facing the remaining two wolves.

They advance on me together head-on. Big mistake. I land a kick to one of them again and grab the other by their head. The snap of the wolf's neck is lost in the sirens that blare around us.

The third wolf tries to take advantage of my turned back and leaps at me. I use his own momentum to flip him to the ground at my feet. Ending his life with my canines buried deep in his throat. Three down a whole army left to go.

Not pausing to appreciate my kill, I continue moving towards the stench of the Apollo Eclipse Packhouse. I can see it. There have to be at least three hundred wolves stretched across the lawn around the building. Three hundred to one. Could be worse odds.

I feel X enter my mind trying to link me. He must be close. I hope he brought the whole fucking cavalry.

"We are approaching the gates. I have a good hundred behind me." X's voice says in my head.

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