12: Brotherly Betrayal

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Chapter 12: Brotherly Betrayal (X's POV)

"I'm going to go crawl into Xander's bed with him. I came here to tell you this, us, we are over X." This has been ringing around in circles through my head all night. I hear her telling me to go fuck off and slamming the door as if it's the final nail in my coffin.

"What did I do?" I ask out to the empty room, and of course, there is no answer.

I thought V was on board with this. Hell, it was partly her idea. She has been distant since Lexi got here but I thought she was just giving me space to get the job done. Pop a pup in Lexi, make an heir, and go back to the way things were. That's all I wanted.

Without me knowing things turned to shit really fast. Too fast. V had promised to never leave me. She even said that she would reject her mate for me. I didn't realize how serious she was about having a pup and wanting to be mine. I thought she understood that we could be together, but not as mates. More like a human relationship.

I may have to lead her to believe that I would one day lay my seed into her, but that was more abstract for me. I thought more likely we would slip up and have a condom break or something and be saddled with a pup. I never wanted to intentionally make one. Even though riding bareback is about the best experience I have had in my life.

I already had an obligation to fulfill for my family. You can't expect a guy to have a pup with his mate and his, I guess mistress is the best term, at the same time. I don't need my family to look like an episode of Jerry Springer, but when your brother starts fucking your long-term lady friend things start to get out of hand.

I want to rip Xand limb from limb right now and I would but he kind of frightens me. When I told V not to crawl back to me when he hurts her, a flash of him physically hurting her shot across my thoughts. He wouldn't, right? She's okay with him, right?

And that's what changed my mind. I decided I was going to put my body on the line to protect her from him. He will think twice before he ever even looks at her again. I throw on some shorts and a random shirt before going in search of them. They are not here, so they are either at the Packhouse or the clinic in that stupid ass room V and I made for him. Ungrateful asshole.

I've made it overly clear to Xand in the past that V is off-limits. Even clearer after our shared time with V. I didn't like it. They were too comfortable with each other. She's never been that laid back when I brought other women to bed. Lucifer was gentle with her but what will happen when he isn't. He's not stable enough to have V.

I stopped at our room at the Packhouse and find not much is out of place except in the bathroom. Most of her everyday needed items are not on the counter and she has left a dress laying on the floor. I pick it up and immediately drop it. It reeks of him.

I can't breathe. I need to get out of here. This just made it all more real. Too real. Fucking arrogant asshole takes my girl. When we were younger everyone always wanted him. I reaped the benefits of it back then because he was saving himself, so then the girls would move on to me. But it always bothered me that he was their first choice. Except for V, she was mine. Now... What am I supposed to do, except that she is his? No, fuck that.

I rush into the clinic on a mission but am stopped by Mags. She must be able to see the anger pouring from me. I'm sure I look like a bull that has had a red flag waved in front of them.

"Alpha X, ummm... What can we do for you today?" She asked nervously as if she doesn't already know what V and Xand are up to.

I just grunt in her direction and continue my path to "The Mad Room". Such a stupid-ass Disney princess name for a room. I don't knock, instead, I just barge in.

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