Prologue: Mate

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May include Explicit Language, Mental and Physical Abuse, and Sexually Explicit Descriptions. Read at your own RISK.

This is my second story that I am posting. Constructive criticism is always welcome, please do not shame or bash my story. If you DO NOT like it or it's Mature Content then please do not read it. I am doing this for fun, I have always enjoyed writing, so please do not ruin my good time.

I will NOT warn you when Mature Content is coming. I want you to be as taken by surprise as my characters are in the moment.

Finally, please do not steal my story. I would love for my story to inspire others to read or write just as this app has done for me.

Prologue: Mate (POV Zander)

Well, here I am, at the Annual Mate Claiming. Maybe everyone is right. Maybe I shouldn’t have come. We buried my mom just two weeks ago, and all I can do is cry. That’s why I’m here. I need my mate. She will make me stronger. She will be able to console me through this troubling time. Our pack needs a Luna.

My brother Xavier refused to come. He says he’s only the Beta, so no one will put pressure on him to have a mate. He thinks dad had the right idea originally, with not wanting a mate. We both know what he did to mom in the beginning, and we know how it ended. Dad has been inconsolable. He not only lost his mate, the other half of his soul, but he lost his wolf too. When your marked mate dies, so does your wolf. Dexter is gone, mom is gone, and I feel that it won’t be long and dad will be gone too.

Uncle Jax accompanied me to The Claiming. He said it felt fitting. Since he came with my dad. He didn’t want to leave. With dad out of commission and his mate Kelly grieving on top of his own grieving, it’s been hard on him too. You can see the stress roll off of him. I need to take over the Pack. It will be better to do that with my mate by my side. I know that there is no guarantee that I will find her today, but I have to try.

I made my way into the tent and was pulled into a hug by Luna Rebecca. She is Luna Grace’s daughter, and she knew what we had been going through. Rebecca had found her mate last year and was turning out to be a great Luna for her Pack.

“Announcements” Rebecca shouted over the crowd of horny men that were gathered intent. “Rules, gentlemen, are expected to be followed this year.”

"Rule One: Do NOT touch what isn’t yours.”

"Rule Two: Fighting is only permitted if you are if you are protecting your mate from another wolf.”

Rule Three: Do NOT try to leave with anyone that is not your mate.”

Rule Four: Try to be gentle with your mate, we don’t need any accidents.”

Rule Five: When you do find your mate you are required to take her with you or reject her. Those are the only two choices you have.”

Rule Six: You must bring your mate back to the tent and sign them out before you leave with them.”

“Understood?” Everyone kind of mumbled in agreement, and Luna Rebecca shouted again using her Luna voice this time “I said, am I understood?”

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