14: Mixed Signals

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Chapter 14: Mixed Signals (Lexi's POV)

Two weeks have now passed since my heat. X has been agitated and quiet since Xand's visit, but he has been trying to not take it out on me. We've had a few quiet dinners together. He asks me about how I'm feeling and about how my culinary courses are going with Granny Smith. But if I try to ask about the Xand situation he shuts down. So I stopped asking.

At present, I am sitting in my en suite bathroom waiting the suggested five minutes on three different pregnancy tests. It's been two weeks, so if anything was made during my heat we should be able to tell by now. I haven't felt sick or had any other symptoms but it doesn't hurt to check. I'm trying to keep my hopes from getting too high.

With a deep breath, I close my eyes and turn each over. When I open my eyes again all three have the same result. Pregnant. We did it. We were actually successful. I'm going to be a mom. I sit on the floor crying happy tears for a good while before I click on the clinic's website to set up an appointment to confirm. They had a cancelation so I'm able to be seen in about an hour.

With my scheduled appointment I dress for the day. I keep it simple by pulling on a green t-shirt dress and silver slip-on sandals. Sitting in the waiting room I catch a glimpse of V. I forgot that she's some kind of doctor. It makes me glad to know that she's not the kind of doctor that I need. My doctor will be Dr. Maggie. I hear she is the best.

"Lexi, we are ready for you dear." A nurse calls out to me. Her name is Lisa and she instructs me to a bathroom where I can pee first and then leads me to a room where I change into a paper gown. Before leaving she draws a small vial of blood from my arm as well. I'm told that they are going to run their own tests and then the doctor will be in to see me shortly.

It feels like I wait for hours, but in reality, it's no more than twenty minutes that I have to wait. Dr. Maggie is grey-haired with a few age lines showing but she has the kindest smile I have ever seen.

"So Lexi, I see that we are hoping that there is a little Alpha heir baking in your oven." Dr. Maggie says as she looks over my chart.

Blushing I ask, "How'd you know X is the father?"

"The Furys are family first. After your heat, X asked that if you came in for any tests to let him know. I haven't because that is your choice, but I do strongly suggest that this is not something you hide from him. That has never worked well for this family." She gives me a stern but warm smile.

"No worries there, ma'am. I just wanted to confirm before I gave him the good news. There is good news, right?" I asked a little nervous that maybe the tests were wrong.

She grabbed my hand with a gentle comfort, "Call me Mags. You will have plenty of time to get to know me like family since good news is in order. You are pregnant."

I shriek in excitement. "I never thought I'd get another shot at this."

"I'd like to do a quick ultrasound and check the baby's heart rate. If this isn't your first pregnancy we would like to keep a close eye on you since I'm guessing the first one didn't go so well." Tears well up in my eyes at her words.

"No, the first one ended after just three short weeks. I barely knew I was pregnant before I lost it." I took a deep breath. I have waited so long for this chance. My second chance. "Would it be too much to ask for X to be here for the exams?”

"No problem I'm sending him a mind-link as we speak to come join us." Her eyes glazed over for a moment. "He will be here in just a minute. I'm going to get things prepared while we wait on him. If you would lay back on the table and put your feet in the stirrups."

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