11: All Yours

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Chapter 11: All Yours (V's POV)

Hmmm... I am so comfortable and warm right now. It's official I am never moving from this spot. I don't know how I got so lucky to be snuggling X in my sleep, but I'm not going to complain. X likes his space when he sleeps. I like to cuddle, spoon and damn near lay on top of him. I'm going to take advantage of this while I can. I bury my face further into his neck, shift my leg over him further and drift off to a deep peaceful sleep.

When I do finally wake up, I am graced with the brilliant white smile of Xander's sweet face. I smile back at him until it hits me. Xander not X. Fuck... Fuck! What did I do? Yep, I'm naked. He's... Naked too. Crap!

He lays there bare and proud with his arms behind his head after I yank the sheet to cover me. He has every right to be proud. No wonder my lady parts feel as if they have been rode hard and put away wet. Very wet. I thought X had a large package. He has nothing on his big brother. He is the bigger brother in every sense of the word. Goddess, I'm surprised he didn't split me in two with that thing.

"What is wrong love?" I watch the smile that had been so happy just moments before melt into a frown.

"What did we... What did you do?" I know he would never press me to do anything I didn't want, or more likely beg him, to do.

"What did I do? You asked for this." Of course, I did. I am never drinking again. Ever! "You gave yourself to me. You wanted a pup and I provided you with what you needed to try."

"This was a mistake, Xander. I'm sorry." Why am I being such a bitch. I regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth. Even more, after he pulls away from me when I go to reach for him.

With a low growl and a stern tone, he explains to me what we promised to each other. He has every right to be pissed at me right now. Xander has always been there for me. Before he went nuts and even after he has been my comfort whenever X has broken my heart. The year I came home and found the cheerleader spread out on his bed I was crushed. After I came out in tears, there was Xander with his arms wide to hold me as I cried. Years later I lied to X and told him that I was jealous that it wasn't me and that I had considered joining. That was something he was into. I never wanted that.

The only time I don't regret it is when it was our three-way with Xander, and it's not because I had two guys at once. The only time X let another man in our bedroom. It's because I was helping Xander. I know you're thinking, yeah right, but it was. Lucifer was becoming increasingly agitated, we thought he might hurt someone. After he was much calmer. I wanted to do it alone. Just take care of him and move on, but X wouldn't have that. His excuse was that I could be hurt.

When the time came, X sprawled me out and played with me getting Lucifer excited. I was on my knees taking Xander in my mouth with his legs spread out on the bed, his hand gentle in my hair, when X took me from behind. He slid in the back door since he couldn't wait to put on a condom. I was mortified, but I kept going because of Xander. His eyes closed as he worked my head at a slow bob up and down his shaft. With everything that was going on, I never registered the sheer size of him. No wonder he didn't pound into my face, he may have suffocated me.

X was preparing to finish so he told me to suck hard and lick Xanders tip, as he told Xander to jack the rest of it so he could come in my mouth. After a few more strokes X finished and ordered Xander to hurry up. The moment Xander finished, and I swallowed I was pulled out of the room. X never made the offer again. I don't think he liked being outperformed.

Xander rises and grabs a handful of gummies tossing them back. He has been trying so hard to get it together. To be stable. To be there for everyone again. He has been through so much. He deserves better than this.

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