Ch 21: Home

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Chapter 21: Home (Lexi's POV)

I'm rocking in a chair in the nursery when I hear the door open and slam close. I waddle to through the living room and come face to face with Xand. His hands are full with boxes and an extra-large duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

He startles when he sees me. "Oh shit. Sorry I didn't wake you did I?"

"Why would you have woken me up? It's like two in the afternoon." I respond with a dumbfounded look on my face.

"Umm... You're pregnant. Pregnant chicks nap right?" He's standing here with full hands having a full-blown conversation with me. If it were me I would have had to put that shit down, but he standing there like it's no problem.

"Oh, no I wasn't napping. I was just sitting in the nursery." His smile falls. "So are you moving back in?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I hope that's okay."

"You do realize this is your house right?" I can't believe if he just asked that it's okay if he is here.

"It is, but the last time I lived here I overstepped my boundaries. Or at least Lucifer did. I'm sorry about that by the way. Had I of known I would have never come home." His shoulders are slumped like he is defeated.

I don't want to think about the fact that there is still a small chance that this could be his pup. The larger possibility is that it's X's, but... "I don't blame you for that. And I have no problem with you being here."

"Good because I can't stand being in my apartment or the Mad Room." He looks like he hasn't been sleeping. "I've spent the last week sleeping on the couch in my office. Let's just say it's a good-looking couch but not very comfortable to sleep on."

"Why are you now just coming back then," He just shrugged. "What's the Mad Room."

"My room at the clinic. I've stayed there on and off. Whenever I've been in a dark place. She helped me decorate it. It's Alice In Wonderland-themed. Too many memories their right now." He rushes out as if he is trying to not think too hard about who he was referring to. My guess is that V will be referred to as "She who must not be named" for the foreseeable future.

"I get it. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Nothing to talk about. She found her mate. It's as the Goddess always intended. Just like when you met X." He moves into the living room and finally sets his stuff down.

"I promised her before she left that I would be here for you, so if you need to talk, I'm your friend." I put a hand on his shoulder and I realize that the initial attraction that I had for him is gone.

"Thanks, Lex. I need that right now. I need to work on myself. I need to work on my mental health. I do think we finally found something that works though."

"That's what I'm told. I don't know what you were like before, and I can tell you have demons, but they seem to be tamed."

"For the most part, they are. I'm sad that they are gone. I had a small taste of what happiness was, but I always knew that there was a time limit on it. I had just hoped that the Goddess would have let me meet my pup." He gives me a small smile before grabbing his stuff to carry it upstairs.

I don't know what pushed me to ask, "Were you in love with her?"

"More than she will ever know." He responds as he disappears up the stairs.

My heart breaks for him. If anyone in the world deserves a shot at happiness, it's Xander. I hope that one day he will find someone that will make him whole again.

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