13: Enough

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Chapter 13: Enough (Xand's POV)

"So, what are we doing today," V asks as I suck a gummy bear out of her belly button. We have spent the past week lost in each other while working around her work schedule.

She is up early every morning to work her rounds in the psych ward. Men and women who have lost their mates tend to be in abundance. Here on Elder Island, we have lots of widowed former Alphas and Lunas that benefited greatly from her expertise. If she can deal with my insanity, then she can help just about anyone.

This morning is her day off, but it's become a habit to watch the sun come up, with her thighs wrapped around my ears. "You're not going to like my answer." Trailing butterfly kisses across her stomach I continue, "We can't hide out forever. He's had some time to cool down, and it's time to go home to face the music." I also have duties that I need to get back to. Unfortunately, I need to have it out with my brother before I can return.

Continuing on my mission, placing kisses across her hips and down her thighs, before working my way back up. "If you think it's time, then we'll go." a small whimper escapes her when I lightly pass over her center.

Grabbing her hand, I pull her from the bed, "Then we need to shower before we go."

She stands with me, but she has a pout on her face. That pout could bring a man to his knees. With a tug of her hand, I pull her to the shower with me. Her shampoo smells of honey and lemon just like she tastes. X always said she smelled like caramel, but I never got that. After I clean her hair, I run her matching conditioner through her hair. A small moan escapes her while her whole body tenses. If she is thinking that we are leaving this shower before I fuck her against the tiles, then she is highly mistaken. 

I grab her hands and place them firmly against the wall. She pushes that thick, luscious ass of hers out and against me. I don't hesitate to slide in her slick, wet opening. Her hips are in my hands as I pull her back to me meeting my thrusts, "Was this why you were pouting Kitten? Did you think I would start something and not finish it? That I would leave you hanging? That I would leave myself hard as fucking steel?" Each question is matched with a stroke, which gets harder and faster each time. Running a hand down her spine she shivers in my grip. 

"I... I... Couldn't be sure." She manages to stumble out as I plow harder into her. I pull out, flip her around while lifting her so she is now braced between the wall and my unrelenting hips. I pull one of her nipples between my teeth as the other bobs up and down in rhythm to my thrusts.

She is so close. I can feel her start to clench around me. "I would never leave you wanting." She feels so good wrapped around me, with an ass cheek in each hand and my mouth full of caramel tit. This is what heaven should feel like.

She squeals as I twist her nipple with my teeth, and I feel her body start to tip over the ledge. "Come for me, Kitten."

"Yes, Alpha. I'm coming." She cries out,  as she comes apart around me. I can't help but follow her into euphoria. My balls tighten as I explode and ride out our bliss with my face buried between the most perfect pair of breasts, I have ever had the chance to lay eyes on. 

I hold myself close to her as we come down from our high, and she sags against me. This feels so right, and it scares the shit out of me. I've known her most of my life, and I never imagined that I would get this chance.

I know it's short-term, that we have an expiration date. I deserve to be happy even if I know it will end. And I am happy. Happier than I have ever been. I hold no illusions. Fate has never been on my side, so when the time comes, I will let go. I'll have to let go. No matter what, I will not allow her to miss out on her mate.

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