17: I Need

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Chapter 17: I Need (Lexi's POV)

It's been a few months since I found out that I'm pregnant. I just hit the halfway point of 13 weeks. My pup bump shows proudly in whatever I wear.

Today we have an appointment to go find out if I'm having a boy or a girl. X is going with me. He has been very attentive this whole time. He goes to all of my appointments, makes sure I have everything that I need, and every morning before he leaves he kisses my belly as he says goodbye.

Yesterday my feet were a little swollen because I spent too long cooking with Granny Smith. When X found me on the couch with my feet elevated he removed the pillows from under my feet and replaced them with his body. He pulled my feet into his lap and gave me the best foot rub I have ever had in my entire life. It was so good, I almost came from the pleasure.

Unfortunately, that is the only need that X doesn't attend to. I am to the very horny portion of my pregnancy, and I can't find the relief I'm looking for. Not on my own anyway. I have tried trust me. So when his hand on my feet nearly makes me combust, I can't help the moan that escaped my mouth.

X's whole body stiffened the minute the noise escaped me. He stopped what he was doing, sniffed the air, and then abruptly left the room. I did notice him adjust himself as he left. After that, I didn't see him for the rest of the night. He didn't even join me for dinner.

This morning we had breakfast in silence, and he kissed my belly goodbye before leaving for the day. He messaged me after he got to the office asking if I would meet him at the Packhouse before my appointment so we can go together.

So now I am walking across the training yard toward his office. The warriors are all present for training. I see Xander in the distance with a group of men that are all just about as built as he is. They are all shirtless of course, and the scene alone has me breathing heavy.

I smile and wave to Xander after he raises a very well-defined arm at me in hello. Damn, that is one perfectly etched from stone man. I get a broad all teeth and dimples smile from him before he returns to instructing the warriors.

My mind fills with dirty fantasies of not only Xander but the other warriors as well. I absent-mindedly find myself at X's office and open the door. He's not here, but from the lingering scent, he hasn't been gone for long. My eyes drift around his office and my dirty daydreams continue. I indulge a little, letting myself dream of my mate. Some of those dreams involve me riding him on the couch, and also being spread out on top of his desk.

"Why do I smell your arousal right now?" The gruff voice of X booms out from behind me.

I slowly turn around and find him dressed in a nice pair of pressed tan khakis and a crisp hunter green button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. If I wasn't already wet I would be now. My mate looks good enough to eat with his muscles pressed tight against the fabric of his shirt. My eyes lower and the defined bulge in his pants would be indecent if I wasn't moments from begging for it to be in me.

My mouth is dry, so I clear my throat before answering. I can't tell him that I was imagining myself spread out on his desk while his face is buried between my thighs. Another wave of lust pulses through my body only intensifying my scent in the room.

"I walked through the training grounds. Do you know how many warriors were shirtless out there?" I respond. I know it's going to piss him off, but I don't care. He isn't going to help me with my problem, so I'm going to have fun working him up.

His jaw is taut, and his eyes are black.  "We need to be leaving." There is a growl in his voice before he turns to leave. I follow behind him.

We are at the clinic in just a few minutes since it's just across the street from the Packhouse. Nurse Lisa showed us to our room and gave me a paper gown to put on.

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