6: Sweet Lady

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Chapter 6: Sweet Lady (X's POV)

I can't believe she agreed. I can't believe I had the balls to ask her. I just left Lexi to get her stuff and move into the house, and now I'm headed to my office. I want to find V and tell her the good news.

V and I have been together for a while now, but I have wanted her since she came into my life when I was thirteen. She was sixteen at the time. My mom had saved her from her very abusive father. This hit home for mom, as she had dealt with an asshole for a father, but V's dad was worse.

The position mom had found them in was too horrible to talk about. As sweet and loving as a person my mother was, she lost it and ripped V's dad to shreds while dad sat back and watched her take out her anger on him. You may have been under the impression that Izzabella Fury was weak. That was far from the truth. After a few years of training with the Pack, she was amazingly skilled. Mom was the perfect Luna for our pack in every way possible. She cared about us all, except those that purposely hurt those that were innocent. Then she was scarier than a pissed-off Alpha.

V came to live with us after the death of her father, and she was so quiet. She was also the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. She starred in every wet dream that I had from the moment I met her. It took about a year before she started to loosen up a bit.

I was playing a new racing game in the living room, and she sat down watching as I played. I asked her if she wanted to join, and she said, "I don't know how to drive." She was completely serious.

I smiled and responded, "Neither do I, but that would never stop me." I handed her the second controller and changed it to two-player mode. She was hooked the minute we started, and I was even more into her. Who doesn't love a chick who's into video games? We played together every day after that until she started college two years later.

By the time I was sixteen years old, I had only one thing on my mind. I fucked half the females at our school that year by Christmas break. V had come home for break and knocked on my door to see if I wanted to play some before dinner. I was already playing though; it was just a different game. I had a cheerleader spread eagle in my bed.

When she opened my door, she stood there shocked. I asked her, "Wanna join V?"

She just backed away and closed the door. She told me years later that she seriously considered it. Not to join but to take place of the girl in my bed. She kept to herself for most of the week, but just days before leaving I asked if she wanted to race, and we fell into our old routine of hanging out. One day we were getting ready to play and I pulled her into my lap. I told her that she'd have a better chance of beating me if she were sitting here. Her beautiful caramel skin became flush, but she stayed there the whole night.

I was happy and became very distracted at her placement. She did indeed kick my ass at everything we played. After playing for hours, we switched to a movie and sat talking all night. She fell asleep there in my arms. I watched her sleep for hours. When dad came downstairs the next morning, he scorned me for hitting on V. Mom just slapped his arm saying it would be cute if we turned out to be mates. V was nineteen at this time and had not found her mate, even though she had gone to a few Claimings. I was still too young to find mine then.

V had to go back to school, and I returned to my man-whore self. The year that I turned 18 I was nervous when V came home for break. I both wanted her to be my mate and didn't at the same time. I was already in the mindset that I would never take a mate, but V was no ordinary woman. I don't think Mikey would have let me reject her. I was sad when I found that she wasn't.

When mom passed a few months later, V came home. Xander was a mess. Imagine having a sweet moment with a loved one, and the next instant they were just gone. It really fucked with his head. It still does. V came straight to my room when she got to the house. I was alone this time. She pulled me into her arms and was the strength I needed to hold myself together. She was there for us all, as we buried mom, and even after.

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