Chapter 30

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Lexi's POV

It is now Thanksgiving. I can't wait for my friends to come over. We eat the turkey dinner for lunch. For dinner we make sandwiches and then go out back to make s'mores. We then camp in the backyard.

I wake up at 8 o'clock in the morning and go down stairs. My parents and brother went to s T-ball game that started at 8. They will be back at 1 after the end of year banquet. I watch Girl Code until 11. I order pizza then go upstairs and get dressed. I am walking down the stairs when the doorbell rings. I run and open the door.

"Heyyyy Gurl!" Dylan says in a high pitched voice.

"Come on in." I say while laughing.

5 minutes later the door bell rings and the rest of the gang is here. We turn on the TV and watch random shows. We have watched half an episode of NCIS LA when the pizza arrives. When I set the pizza down we all pounce. I grab some beers for us.

We are in the middle of a NCIS LA marathon when my mom and dad come in filled by the Hawks. We all sit up and hide all empty bottles in the backpack Emmy brought with her. Hopefully they didn't notice.

"What are you watching?" My mom asks.

"NCIS LA." I say.

"Well Jake is going to join you."

"Ok" I say with a fake smile.


"My I be excused?" I ask.

"Yeah you kids can go get everything set up." My mom replies.

"Set up for what? I" Jake asks.

"Our Thanksgiving party." Dylan says.

"You can join them Jake." my mom says.

We all go out side and set up the tents and fire circle.

I then bring out the coolers. We go inside to make sandwiches. When we are done eating we go outside. Just the teens. 
"Pass the marshmallows." Emmy says.

"Anyone want a beer?" I ask.

"What" Jake asks.

"A beer. Do you want one?" I say.

"Yeah but aren't we all underaged?"

"We don't care though."

I come back with 11 beers. I trim on the outdoor sound system. we all start to sing to 'What Does The Fox Say'

The night goes on like that for a while before we go to sleep.

Every one leaves the next day.

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