Chapter 3

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Alexis POV

I walk into the school ignoring the pointing and whispers. Just past the double doors I run into a girl.

"Hi I'm Lea. Nice to meet you." She says.

"You too." I say, pretending to be shy.

"You're new here, aren't you?" Lea asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Follow me. I'll show you to the office."

I follow her to the office.

"Thanks," I say.

"No problem. Do you mind if I meet up with my friends?"

"No, I don't"

"Great. See ya."

I walk in and see a lady in her 50's sitting behind the desk.

"Hi I'm new here. Can I get my papers?" I say.

"Sure what's your name," she responded.

"Alexis Dylans," I reply.

"Here you go Alexis. I'm Sunny." Sunny says.

"Thanks," I say and leave.

My schedule

A1 Math 145 ______B1 Science 167

A2 History 209 _____B2 English 150

A3 Chorus 245 ______B3 PE gym

A4 Art 234 ________B4 Spanish 215

I head to math. This year I'm doing advanced trigonometry. The class is almost empty when I get there so I grab a seat in the back and wait for class to start.

"Good morning class. Today we have a new student. Please introduce yourself."

I stand up and say, "Hi I'm Alexis but you can call me Lexi. I moved here from Key West Florida." I sit down.

"I'm Mr. Kemp and I am your teacher. Okay class today we will be..."

The door opens and then some boy walks in.

"Mr. Hawk you're late again! Detention!"

"Okay I'm gonna skip it anyway." He says as he walks towards me.

"You're in my seat." He says.

"I don't see your name on it." I reply.

"Jake find another seat and move on with it." Mr. Kemp said.

Jake walks to the seat behind me.

"Okay, so today we will be taking a test to tell me how much you know already since we didn't get to it last week. You may begin when you get a test."


The rest of the morning went by fast. Jake was in all of my classes so far. It is now lunch and I'm looking for a place to sit.

"Alexis!" Lea shouts, "Over here!"

"Hi." I say as I sit down with Lea. It's just me and Lea.

"Why is no one else sitting here?" I ask.

"I'm too cool to be a nerd and too smart to be cool." She said.

"Oh, I heard what you said to Jake this morning. You had a lot of guts to say that to him." She says.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"He's the most popular boy in school. He is the school bad boy he leads the biggest gang in Dallas and is the school heartbreaker."

"I hope that I didn't annoy him to much then." I say but I don't mean it.

With that the bell rings meaning lunch is over.


The rest of the day goes by fast. Now I have too pick my brother up and go to work. I work at a garage a few minutes from my house.

I drive to my brother's school. When I pull up he gets in.

"I have too work, so I'm dropping you off at Mrs Willow's house." I say.

"Okay." He replies with a smile.

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