Chapter 41

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Lexi's POV

Seeing Jake running down the street in a hot dog costume was the highlight of my day so far.

"Hey Lexi, what are we doing later?" Kate asks.

"I don't know."I say.

"We should have a bonfire night."Danny says.

"Ok." I say agreeing with her.

We see Jake coming back. He immediately takes off the hot dog costume and hands it to us.

"We are going back to my house for dinner we just have to stop by the store. Dylan is tacking my bike back." I announce to every one.

I get in my black mustang and drive to Giant. Danny and Kate come too. We get enough hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, rolls, chips, watermelons, sodas, and s'mores stuff to feed an army. While we are at the store we get a call from Jake saying that he thinks it would be good if his gang came over. I say yes because why not become friends we are the two most powerful gangs. We get more food. We check out and go home to start setting up because it is 4:00.

When we get home we take the picnic tables from the pool edge and the garage and set them up as one long table. We also start a fire. While Jake is grilling I change into black shorts, a white crop top, and black Keds.

When I get back outside put on some music and put table clothes over the tables.We turn on the lights that out back for when it gets dark. when set up is done we get our skate boards and skate. Liam and Drew beg us t teach them so we grab two penny boards and teach them. Jake's gang start arriving. They are surprised that we are here because they were told a neighbor is throwing a party and they could come. Jake goes over and talks to them. They nod every so often.

They start walking over to us. They introduce themselves.

Jake's gang members

Brandon: 17 : brown hair and blue eyes

Mason: 18 : blonde hair and blue eyes

Justin : 18 : brown hair and green eyes

Rick : 16 : blonde hair and green eyes

Chris : 18 : black hair and blue eyes

Ian : 17 : black hair and green eyes

Evan : 16 : dirty blonde hair and green eyes

We then introduce ourselves.

Sam: 16 female 5'4 blonde hair down to her mid back green eyes.

Kate: 17 female 5'5 brown hair cut to shoulder length blue eyes.

Danny: 16 female 5'3 brown hair down to the middle of her back green eyes.

Emmy/ Emily; 17 dirty blonde hair that is shoulder length blue eyes.

Jason: 18 male dirty blonde hair that is spiked up blue eyes and an eight pack.

Nick: male 17 blonde hair like Jason's , green eyes and an eight pack.

Dylan: 17 male blonde hair like the others hair style blue eyes.

Austin: 16 male, brown hair spiked, green eyes.

Erick: male, 18, brown hair spiked up, blue eyes.

Drew and Liam then introduce themselves. We then sit down to eat. We surprise Jake's gang by saying grace before eating. The food is gone in 45 minutes. We goof off until it gets dark. We then make s'mores. After we finish those we send Liam and Drew to a neighbors house for the night.

Some people bring out lager coolers filled with beers and we start drinking. We sing,dance, and skate for a long time then the gangs split. Jake's at his house and we stay here for the night.


I wake up the next morning at 10:45. We all are awake by 11. At 11:05 Jake's gang comes over and we clean up the backyard. The boys are at a baseball game. We then order pizza.After we eat the pizza we go see Avengers: Age of Ultron. It was awesome. We then head home

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