Chapter 9

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Lexi's POV

The doorbell rang 5 minutes ago I couldn't hear who it was because I had the blow dryer on.

Right now I'm wearing the same outfit I wore skating. With a leather jacket. I walk downstairs. I see my brother playing with cars with a little boys his age.

"Drew are you going to introduce me to your new friend?" I ask.

"I'm Liam." the boy said.

"How old are you?"


"That's neat. I'm Lexi and I'm 17."

"That's my brothers age."

"What's his name?"

"Jake Hawk."

"Neat. I have to go now I'l be home later."

With that I leave. I take my bike to the garage to meet my gang.

"Guess who's little brother showed up at my house?" I ask

They shrug.

"Jake Hawk's."

"What!" they shout.

"I know right. any way time to go."

I get in my dark gray Camaro and drive to the race.


Authors Note

The race will next chapter. I won't update till I get 8 comments or 10 votes. Or 200 reads.

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