Chapter 43

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Lexi's POV

By the time dinner is over I want to murder the waiter. When he comes back with the check he gives me a paper that says 'Call me 555-123-4567'. When he comes back to drop off our receipt he says to me, "Hey I get off in 45 minutes, we could have some fun then."

I put on my bad girl act. "Maybe you didn't get the hint. I am not interested in you. Why don't you go find some one else to flirt with man whore. I am way out of your league."

With that I rip up his number and throw the pieces at him. We get up shoving past him. Liam and Drew dump their cups on him. Jake's parents had gone to the bathroom and they meet us at the front and we leave. I go home with just Drew. When I get home I change into jeans and take my motorcycle out for a ride.

When I get home it's 10:15. I pull into the garage. I look over my shoulder and see Jake on the porch of his house. I walk over to him. "Whatcha doin'?" I ask.

"We watched 'The Outsiders' in English. I couldn't help but compare us to the greasers. Well we're more like Ponyboy, Sodapop, or Johnny. Anyway I wanted to watch a sun set and I just stayed out here to look at the stars." he says.

"Stay gold Jake. Stay gold..."

He smiles. "Tell your gang to watch a sunset I doubt they have actually watched one." I say.

"You like the movie?"

"Love it."

"Who am I most like?"

"Darry. You could be a soc but you are tough. You like to show off how tough you are. You are also a parent-ish figure for your brother. Who am I like?"

"Honestly you aren't like any of them. The closest would be Cherry. You are fiery. I think you are like Anybodys from The West Side Story. You just want to be one of the boys."

As he says that I realize how close we are. He leans down and kisses me.When we brake apart I look at him. I kiss him again. Just like that I fell in love with Jake Hawk.

It was getting late so I had to get home. We made plans to watch the movie and hangout on Friday to celebrate school ending. On Saturday our gangs are going to race.

I go to sleep that night thinking about me and Jake and also The Outsiders.


I wake up the next morning and get ready for school. I put on a black AC/DC tank top and black shorts. Today is my last full day of school. I grab my back pack and put the last few textbooks that I need to return into it. I go downstairs and see Drew ready to go. I grab the keys to my new 2015 blue Corvette z06. I bought it with race money. I added a super charger. This car I won't race often if at all. When I walk outside I see Jake and Liam. "Want a ride?" I ask.

"Sure" they say.

I pull the car out of the garage. The boys get in the back. When we get to the elementary school Jake lets them out. We then head to school. I park and Jake and I get out. I can hear the rumors start. We head separate ways to our gangs. We talk about random things like our favorite TV show until the bell rings. We head to class.

Toady is a b day so I have Science, English, PE, and Spanish in that order. Today we dissect frogs in science. In English we finish writing a prompt. I head to lunch. The food is disgusting. I packed Panera. It was a smoked turkey breast on country, chips, and mac n' cheese. I also packed Sparkling ICE pink grapefruit. I then go to gym. We play dodge ball then clean out our lockers. In Spanish we play games. Then we go home.

The week goes on like that. On Thursday is the awards ceremony. I got honor roll and some other stuff. Today is a half day for all schools but after school there is a carnival for the seniors. Our graduation was small and last week. I drive to the boys' elementary school. I pick them up and head back to school.

I park back in my normal spot. I let the boys out and we walk to the field. When Liam sees Jake he runs over to him, hugs him, and starts talking about his day. Drew walks over and starts talking to him also. We start rotating through zones. Drew and Liam participated. People asked me who'd are they,are they mine,are they Jake's, and other stuff. Our favorite was the bounce house. We also got our faces painted and played just dance. We dunked and pied teachers. We finished the day by drawing winners for the prizes. We then went home and watched movies.


At the end of the first movie Jake leans down and kisses me. When he pulls away I say, "Let's go check on the boys."

We walk downstairs and find them watching some kids movie. How To Train Your Dragon 2, I think. It's at the part where Astrid and Hiccup kiss. "Yuck!" they shout.

"You don't like people kissing?" he asks.

They nod and he leans down and kisses me. "Yuck! Ew! Stop it! That gross!" they shout.

Jake and I laugh. "Who wants dinner?" I ask.

"Me! Me! Me!" they shout.

Right as they finish shouting my mom walks in. "Who's hungry?" she asks.

"I am!" we all shout.

We get up and walk to the kitchen. As we are walking I grab Drew and Liam and whisper in their ears, "Not a word. Got it?"

They nod. My mom says they can stay for dinner. They text their mom telling her that. She says OK. She calls my mom and asks if they can stay the night so she and her husband can have date night tonight. My mom says yes and that she is going to a party and will be gone until 12:30. She just came to drop off frozen pizzas and to shower and change clothes. We put the pizzas in the oven and set the table while my mom is showering and changing her clothes.


Finally all the pizzas are done. We all finish our pizzas in record time. Jake went and got swimsuits, pajamas, and clothes for him and Liam. When he got back we put on our bathing suits and went for a swim. I turned on music while we swam. We swam for an hour the we went inside and showered. We then watch movies in our pajamas. Jake and I watch Titanic in my theater room. The boys watch McFarland, USA downstairs. By the way Jake's pajamas are just a pair of basketball shorts and a men's tank top. He looks hot. After the Titanic we put the boys to bed. Then we watch Legally Blonde. We fall asleep on the couch. When my mom comes home she finds us asleep. She throws a blanket on us and makes sure my alarm is on.


Author's Note

I have been trying to make the chapters longer.

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