Chapter 23

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Lexi's POV

We get to the restaurant our dads want a seat in the bar area so we join them there.

All of us who are under aged get soda and the adults get beers. Our dads let us have some but we have to drive. By some I mean a bottle. Jake and his gang look at us funny as we drink.

A slutty looking waitress asks us what we want while flirting with Jake and his gang.

I get a pulled pork sandwich with fries and Mac n cheese. It comes with corn bread and corn on the cob.

When the food arrives we all eat like we haven't eaten in days.

As we leave that night I ask if anyone wants a ride. Jake needs a ride because his is going somewhere.

"Did you seriously drink a whole bottle of beer in there?" he asks

"Yeah" I say and start driving.

I go the speed limit so we get home a little over an hour later.

"Thanks" Jake says as he goes to his house.

I go in and go straight to bed.


Jake's POV

I still can't believe that she drank a whole bottle of beer with high alcohol content and did seem affected.

I didn't think about that for too long because I fell asleep quickly.



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