Chapter 47

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Lexi's POV

Today is the 4th of July. We always invite everyone we know over for a party. They have to bring food, drinks, glow sticks, or fireworks. We swim, skate, and listen to our favorite songs no matter how old. We eat barbecue, drink soda, eat watermelon, and eat candy. 

It is 10:00. I get up and shower.It is now 10:15. I leave my wavy hair down.I put on my bikini and then I put on over it a pair of short shorts and an American flag crop top. I send out a text to all my friends about the party. They all are trying to make it.

I surf  the internet for a little before I go down for lunch. We have PB&J sandwiches.  We get all our red white and blue stuff out. Jake comes over. some of my dads friends show up. He will get here a little latter. We put them to work helping us set up. We set up picnic tables with american flag table clothes and set them with patriotic utensils plates and napkins. We hang up a tinsel american flag and triangle shaped american flags attached to each other by strings. We put red, white, and blue coolers at the end of the buffet line. We put in some ice and drinks. We then go inside for a little. I hear the door bell ring. Drew and I look at each other for a second and take off running to the door. We probably look weird but we don't care. We open the door. It's my dad. "Dad!" we scream as we hug him.

He laughs then enters the house. He drops his stuff then walks to the kitchen. He greats his friends then my mom. Drew and I take his stuff up stairs. We then head down stairs. It is 1:45. People are going to show up soon so we put the patriotic pool toys out. Sure enough people start showing up. Everyone moves outside. I take off my shirt and shorts, throw them on my towel on my chair and jump in. Soon it is filled with little kids so all the teens get out and suntan.

When I am dry I put on my short and go skate. We can't skate latter because that's where they set off the fireworks. I have a penny board that has red and blue wheels. The matching colors are diagonal. It is white on top and has an american flag on the bottom. The adults don't let anyone other than the teens hang out at the skate park but the teens have to have a board. I like that because the little kids will annoy us and could get hurt. We are far enough from the pool that we don't have use G language.

I take a brake from skating to watch the others. While I am standing there watching Jake comes up behind me and hugs me. We just stand there like that for a little. They call everyone for dinner.

After we all eat the teens get to go swimming. We get tired of swimming so we put on shorts and go play volleyball. I Talked my mom into letting us get it. I had to pay for it though.It is getting darker but the ball glows in the dark and we are wearing glow sticks. The adults start the fire and it helps a little. We get bored and go make s'mores. when everyone has eaten a s'more the fireworks start. It was really cool this year. A lot of people brought big fireworks. After they are finished we all get sparklers and run around. This goes on until we are out of sparklers. Then we go back to whatever we were doing before.

Once they clear the fireworks we go and skate. I get my glow in the dark penny board. It has black wheels so it looks like you are floating. I skate for a little then I go sit down and cuddle with Jake. That doesn't last long because the little kids want to see us skate. We show them some tricks then they leave. Well we make them leave but same difference.

This when the real fun starts. The parents start to get a little tipsy and let the little kids go do almost anything. We get to do anything. My friend texted me that she and some of friends are riding dirt bikes and setting off fireworks and stuff in a field by her house. 

Right now Jake's gang and my gang are pilled in to two pickups on the way to her house. Now if you are wondering what we are going to do there most of us have a dirt bike. Her dad owns a big field that we use them in. He also has a huge garage. Since I am friends with her my gang keeps our bikes their. Jake's gang is sending people to get them.

We all put on jeans, jackets, and helmets in case we fall off or crash then get on our bikes. My bike is teal, black, and white.  We all race over to the track. We don't waste anytime showing off. We do flips, ride no handed, and other crazy crap. We set off small fireworks that don't shoot stuff to high and jump over them. We are careful because are parents will kill us if we get hurt and if we die they will make us come back to kill us themselves.

We are to far off the road for any one to see us so we don't have to worry about being yelled at by cops or any adult. Someone turns on huge speakers. we start listening to music. This how roll comes on. I love that song. We hang out and fool around on the dirt bikes until I get a call that we have to head home. So we all put the bikes away get back into the trucks and drop every on off at their house. when I get home it's 1:15. I barley make it to my room but I have to shower so I shower then go to bed. I am asleep the second my head hit the pillow. I am not asleep for very long before drew comes in. He can't sleep and my parents told him not to bug them. i tell him to go to his room and silently run in place until he is tired. He runs out of my room at lightning speed. Note to self never ever ever ever give Drew candy past 7:30 or he will never be able to sleep. I roll over and go back to sleep. My advice must have worked because I was not woken up by drew again. Well he could just be watching the TV on mute but I will hope he fell asleep. 


Happy 4th of July. I can't update next week but I will try to do 2 the  week after.

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