Chapter 13

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Lexi's POV

I skated with Danny all day before we got pizza and went to bed.

The next day we went swimming in her pool before meeting Drew and Mrs. Willows for dinner then going back to the house.

Right now I'm watching movies before bed. The movie I'm in the middle of now is Pitch Perfect. This movie is amazing and I can't wait for the second movie. I go upstairs and go to sleep.


I wake up 5 minutes before my alarm. I get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with my vans with my glasses.

I go downstairs and eat breakfast then get Drew up. After he he was ready we left.

When I got to school hardly anyone had arrived. I saw an announcement on the door my history teacher quit and they couldn't find a replacement so I have free period. I go to math.

Math could not have been more boring. I'm on my way to the cafeteria to meet the principle with our free period placements.

I got subbing as a chorus teacher because I'm the best singer in my class. Jake is a worker at a day care. I leave for the middle school next door. Our second block is their first so I won't miss any part of class.


That was the worst experience of my life. Do you know how many 8th graders asked if I was single. All of the boys. I will never voluntarily do that. 


The rest of the day is uneventful. I pick my brother up and get ready for work. I put on a black tank top and camo pants with black combat boots. I also put on a leather jacket.

"Drew don't open the door for anyone mom and I have a key and dad knows the garage code." I tell him

"Ok" he responds.

With that I get on my bike and leave.


Their was no business today so I did my paperwork and closed an hour early.

I ride home and go to bed.
Authors Note
Picky people pick Peter Pan peanut butter. It's the peanut butter picky people pick.

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