Chapter 31(Xmas)

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It is now Christmas time. I wake up to hear Christmas music. I wonder why it is playing this early then I realize that it is 11:30. I got in late from a fighting last night. I'm going to fight Jake's gang in 4 nights. I get up and put on ripped jeans and a shirt that says #HANGRY. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on my combat boots.

School got out 4 days ago.Christmas is next tomorrow. I walk downstairs to get some lunch thirty minutes later.

"Hey Lex!" My dad calls from the other room. I grab my plate with my sandwich on it and walk to the family room.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Can you help me with the decorations?"


I set my plate down and start decorating taking breaks to eat every so often. We work for half an hour before my brother and mom get home. They join us and we are finished with everything half an hour later. I go upstairs and practice Iron Man or theholidayversion I am Santa Clause.

I walk downstairs and watch Dude You're Screwed. I am in the middle of my second episode Hunger Game when there is a knock on the door.

I open the door and see Jake.

"Is Drew here?" He asks.

"Yeah come in."

"Drew get your butt down here!" I shout upstairs.

"I didn't do it! I swear!" He shouts as he runs downstairs.

Jake and I laugh and Drew looks confused.

"Your not in trouble." I say while laughing. "Liam wants to play."

They run off.

"Hey can he stay here tomorrow night. My parents aren't home like always and I have to go somewhere." Jake asks.

"I think it's ok with my parents. I'm going to a friends house for a sleepover."

"Hey Jake." my mom says as she walks downstairs.

"Hi Mrs.Dylans, can Liam sleepover tomorrow night?"Jake asks

"Sure. Why don't you stay awhile." She replies.


We all walk to the kitchen. I grab a bottle of Mountain Dew.

"Jake do you want anything?" I ask.

"A soda would be nice."

I grab another Mountain Dew and walk to the living room. Jake follows. I press play on the TV. We finish the show the only sound being laughing at the jokes.

"Want to play Rock Band?" I ask.

"Sure. What are you doing for Christmas?" Jake asks as we walk upstairs.

"We're staying here. For New Years though I am going to Miami with my friends to see some old friends."

"Cool, What do you do there?"

"We hangout and throw a New Years party." I say as I put the game.


We start the game I beat his ass.

After thirty minutes of that we head out back to skate.

We skate till dark then they go home. I eat then go to bed.


I wake up the next morning to Drew jumping on my bed at 6:30 in the morning.

"What?" I ask.

"It's present time." he says

"Ok. I'm up."

We head downstairs to see mom and dad waiting. We open all our presents.

I got Bear Paws, a straightener, football, candy, and a new skateboard. Drew got a skateboard, a baseball bat, toy car, candy, and a bike.

I put on normal clothes and take Drew out back and teach him how to skateboard. He is a fast learner. After he learned the basics we go inside and relax for the rest of the day.


Merry Christmas my chipmunks.

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