Chapter 48

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Lexi's POV

I haven't seen Jake in over a week because we have been busy. Today I am free until I leave for work this evening. I put on a pair of black basketball shorts and a teal tank top. I also put on a pair of black socks with neon polka-dots with pink trim and pink heals and toes. I put my hair in a messy bum. I walk downstairs and watch TV while eating cold pizza.  The doorbell rings Drew answers the door. I focus back on the TV. I am watching Street Outlaws.  "The yellow car is going to win." someone says behind me. 

I turn to see Jake standing there.

"Want to bet?" I ask.


"Afraid to lose."

"No, I don't want you to be upset when you lose."

I throw a pillow at him. It misses. He laughs so I throw another one at him. This one hits him.

"Nice socks by the way." he says as he sits down next to me.

We continue watching the show. we only talk to say who we think will win the race. All of the sudden he takes a piece of my pizza and eats it. I am about to yell at him when my mom comes in the room.

"Guess what." she squeals as she comes in.


"The college I work for is hosting a cotillion class for high students in grades 11 12 and ones that just graduated."

"That's cool but why are you telling me?"

"Because your father and got you a ticket to the Marine Corps ball and realized you have never been to a formal dance. So I thought you might want to go. I should be easy for you because you are such a good girl. Oh, and Jake can be your partner. We already got two tickets so you are going."

"Ok fine, how long is the class?"

"It is from 8:30 to 3:45 Monday to Friday with a ball on Saturday."

"Ok I can survive that."

"Yeah!" she shouts as she leaves. "It starts this Monday."

I turn to Jake. "Want to crash a cotillion?" I ask.




I wake up and put on a yellow sundress and gold sandals and I leave my hair down. I apply light make-up. I grab the lanyard that has my keys and a little wallet on it. It is red and in yellow it says and on the other side it says The few. The proud.

I head out to my garage and get in my Corvette. As pull out I see Jake in a dress shirt that is untucked and slacks. I follow the directions my mom gave me to the building with the ballroom.  It took like 15 minutes to get there. I park and wait for Jake. Once he showed up we walked in side. 

Their were a few other people in there but not many. A middle aged woman in a blue dress greets us and tells us to find the seat at one of the circular tables with our name  on it.  Jake and I are at a table toward the back corner of the room. In the next ten minutes everyone else arrives. The lady in the blue dress takes the stage. 

"Hello I am Miss. Granger and I will be you etiquette teacher. By the end of this week you should be well behaved well mannered ladies and gentlemen. Now a little about me. I am 47 and I work at the reform school for kids and teens located in Dallas. I have been working there for 15 years. every day you will learn social skills, proper posture, table manners, and how to dance. Every day you will focus on a different skill but still do the others. Our first lesson will be to introduce yourselves to new people so talk to the people around you."

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