Chapter 39

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Lexi's POV

I feel on top of Jake.His face was hilarious and I started laughing hysterically.

"I think some one is a little clumsy." Jake says while pushing me off. "Lets go in side"

We go inside and watch movies on Netflix. At 5 o'clock Liam and Drew come over because they are hungry. We order pizza. My dad is now deployed in Okinawa, Japan. My mom had to go to Virginia because her mom is moving. Jake's parents are attending a wedding but Jake and Drew didn't need to come.

By the time the pizza arrived Jake and I were about to go insane. When I went into the kitchen for napkins he followed and asked he could do a shot. I told him no.

I put on a movie for the boys then Jake and I grab a pizza box each and head upstairs. We watch NCIS:LA and eat pizza. Jake notice the guitar in the corner of my room.

"Do you still play?" he asks.


I pick up the guitar and start playing 'Hey Brother' by Avicii. When it's done Jake is clapping.

"You are a good singer." he says.

"Thanks." I say.

I sing and play some more songs. At 8 o'clock the boys' movie has finished and they come bug us. we take them to my game room and let them play video games. At nine thirty I get a face time alert. The boys are asleep. Its my dad, it is 10:30 am on Saturday day where he is, I answer.

"Hey dad" I say. Jake who is asleep beside me wakes up.

"Hey Lexi, hows school?"

"Good, How life in Japan?"

"Fantastic. I just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm alive and in one piece."

"Ok,bye. Call me again next week."

"Ok, bye." I end the call.

"Is your dad being deployed hard for you?" Jake asks .

"No, only when we lose contact does it become a little difficult. I grew up with this. Same with Drew."

"It was hard for me when my real dad would"

" I grew up with it."

"Uhuh, got to go its bed time."

"You can stay here since they are already asleep."

"Ok, thanks."

"I'll show you the guest room."

I take Jake down on level to the guest room. I then head up to my room and change into really short black running shorts and a teal sports bra. I then go to bed.


I wake up go downstairs and make chocolate chip pancakes, sausage, eggs and bacon. I set the table. When everything is finished the boys come running down the stairs. The boys in Drew's pj's and Jake in just a pair of gym shorts that one of the boys in my gang left here. He looks HOT. They immediately start eating. In 20 minutes there is nothing left.

"I have to work today." I say.

"Can I come?" Drew asks.

"Me too." Says Liam.

"OK, but only if Jake comes in case you have to leave." I say.

"Deal" the all say.

With that I go upstairs to change in to a black tank top and a pair of stained camo pants. I also put on my devil hat and black combat boots. The boys have to clean up downstairs. I grab the keys to my motorcycle and head downstairs. I hand Jake a t-shirt.

"You take the boys and follow me there." I say.


Futureidiots do a different version of the song. Check it out.

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