Chapter 52

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Lexi's POV

Peyton is about 5'5. She has blonde and light brown eyes. We have talked before but never met in person. She answered the phone one day when I called Wyatt. She is funny and sarcastic. She likes Green Day and motorcycles.

After the movie was over I showered and went to bed.

The next day I decided that it was a false alarm. I get dressed in ripped jeans and an Military Brat t-shirt that says Military Born Raised And Trained. I then head to the mall. On my way to the mall I call my mom and tell her that I'm coming home. She says a letter came from a college. She also says there is a surprise waiting.

I decide to skip the mall and go straight home. I wonder what surprise is? I guess I will find out when I get home.

When I pull up to the house 15 minutes later there is a new car in the driveway. It is a black and red Jeep Wrangler.

I walk inside to the kitchen where I find my mom

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I walk inside to the kitchen where I find my mom. "Hey mom!" I say.

"Hi sweetie. The surprise is out back with Drew."

I go out back to find my uncle Nate playing football with Drew. I run over and hug him.

My uncle Nate or Nathan was in Iraq for 2 years with the Navy. He is a Navy SEAL. Nate is my uncle from my Mom's side of the family. He is two years older than her.

"Hey Uncle Nate" I say.

"Hey Soldier" he says.

Soldier is his nickname for me because when I was younger I would dress up as a solider and say that I was just like him and daddy.

"What colleges did you apply for?" He asks.

"The Naval Academy and VMI" I say.

"Which did you get in?"

"I don't know yet the schools sent them out late."

"Snacks!" My mom shouts.

We head inside for snacks. She made watermelon kiwi popsicles. They are really good.

"Natalie, has Lexi heard from any colleges?" Nate asks my mom. Yes, their parents did the let's give our kids names that sound alike thing.

"I actually have a college letter right here," she says as she hands me the letter.

I open it and read a little to myself before I read it out loud. "Dear Alexis, I am pleased to offer you an appointment to the United States Naval Academy as a member of the class of 2020." I say.

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