Chapter 33

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Lexi's POV

I had to cancel the New Years party with Bubbles because I was grounded for 2 weeks after the prank. Let's just say Jake and his friends are still finding feathers and bits of Orbeez in their now teal and red hair. Drew says that they dyed their hair back not to long ago. I can't be sure because I can't leave my floor unless it's for school cause it just started and they locked all the doors but my room and the bathroom.

I goto the library just like every home room and trade emails with Bubbles. We are going to Florida for spring break now.

I hear the bell that signals homeroom is over. I shutdown the computer and go to Science. Today I have to take my science midterm.

I take the deathly boring, long, and excruciatingly hard test and go to English. Luckily we take our midterm next week. We sit there and study for the whole 90 minutes.

I practically run to gym. I put my things in the locker room and goto lunch.

"So I was thinking that since it's almost Lexi's birthday we should do something." Kate says.

"We're all grounded for about another week." I remind her.

"I found a way around that."


"I got them to shorten the sentence because it was funny and they did worse as teens."

"When do we get off Wednesday so tomorrow."

"Cool" we all say.

"So Lexi what do you want to do?"

"Since all of us are at least 18 except Sam and Austin we should try not too do anything very illegal. I don't want to go to jail."

"Ok." Jason says

"Hey weren't you thinking about getting a new tattoo?" Emmy asks.

"Yeah" I say

"We should all get tattoos."

"Sam and Austin will need a parental consent note or fake ID."

"Our parents will sign a note." Sam says.

"Ok let's do it Thursday after school since that is my birthday."

"Sounds good."

With that we all head back to our third block classes.


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