Chapter 42

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Lexi's POV

Liam and Drew want to learn more skate tricks, so Jake and I teaching them. Its' memorial day weekend so we have plenty of time. We skate in the morning and swim after lunch. After dinner the boys watch movies downstairs while Jake and I watch movies upstairs. Yesterday Jake left school sick and wasn't there today so I watched the boys today.

I just started mean girls, the previews weren't even over when I heard a voice behind me say, "You should probably lock your back door."

I turn and scream startled. Jake burst out laughing. I trow the remote at him, but miss. He looks better than he did yesterday but still not normal. He sits down next to me and hands me the remote. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I can't miss movie night with my BFF , I love chick flicks. Or maybe I was tried of being curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor."

"We are not BFFs." I say.

"Yes we are." he says as he tries to hug me.

"No," I say as I scoot away, "I don't want what ever you had."

"Ok, What are we watching."

"Mean Girls."


"Aaron is hot." I say when the movie is over.

"Not as hot as me." Jake says.

I think for a moment. "He's way hotter." I say.

Jake throws a pillow at me. I throw it back. Soon it's an all out war. I run out of ammo. I see a pillow behind Jake. I run for it. Jake catches me. " I'll let you go if you say I'm hotter." he says while tickling me.

"Never." I say then elbow him in the stomach and run to my room.

Once I'm in my room I close the door and lock it. Jake pounds on the door. Soon I hear foot steps on the stairs. I wait a minute. I open the door. Jake is standing there with Liam behind him.

I try too close the door but Jake gets in and throws me over his shoulder. He runs out back to the pool. "No!" I shout pounding on his back.

It's too late he laughs and throws me in. when I come up he is standing near the edge laughing so I grab him and pull him in. I then pull myself out and take off my shirt and shorts. I was life guarding earlier and when I was done I was to lazy to change. Since I was dry I threw my cloths on over my bikini. Jake whistles behind me. The boys already jumped in after taking of their shirts since they were still wearing their swimsuits. I throw a beach ball at him. He climbs out and takes off his shirt leaving him in his basketball shorts. He chases me into the pool again were we have a splash fight. We get out at 10:45 and Jake and Liam go home.


I'm woken up the next morning by an air horn going off and the covers being pulled off of me. I sit up to see Jake staring at me in my pajamas which is a sports bra and a pair of Nike pros. "What time is it?" I ask.

"8:05 but we are hungry." Drew says.

I glare at him because he knows better than to wake me up before 8:45 on the weekend.

I get up and go downstairs and get out four boxes of single serving fruit loops and a gallon of milk. I then get out plastic spoons. "Eat." I say.

They all look at me as I pour the milk into my box but then do the same. After breakfast they talk me into taking them to the garage again. I go upstairs and get dressed. I put on a pair of light blue cut-offs and a navy blue shirt from my moms collage tied like a crop top with a pair of combat boots folded so you see a dark red and black plaid. I roll up the sleeves on my shirt. I put on my pair of aviators.


While at the garage Liam gets Jake to let him ride in the car when we race. Naturally Drew wants to too. So that's how right now I'm going almost 200 around the track with a screaming Drew beside me. Just awesome(Note the sarcasm). I still beat Jake. We then go home because the gang has off today. My Mom got back at 11:15 last night and had to go to the collage campus today. I get a text from my mom half way home. It says she has to fill in for a teacher tomorrow. Also due to travel time she is not gonna be home between 5 am and 11:45 pm today and tomorrow.

When we get home we see Jake's parents in the driveway. They come over too say hi to their kids.

"Where's your mom?" Mrs.Hawk asks.

"She's working late." I say.

"Why don't you go to dinner with us."


We go inside and go to the game room. We play Mario kart and other games. At 5 o'clock Jake get's a text from his mom saying their are about to go to dinner. We all get up and head outside. I take my truck with Jake, Liam, and Drew. On the way there Timber comes on and we all start screaming the lyrics. It gets better when Jake, Liam, and Drew start dancing. People look at us funny. Yep, these are my friends. This is how we spend the 15 minute drive. We park and go into Applebee's. We get seated and the waiter tries to flirt with me but I ignore him. I tell him my drink and pretend that he doesn't exist. He takes a break from flirting with me to get the rest of the order. He is really starting to bug me. When he comes back with our drinks the juvenile/ juvenile delinquents blow our straw wrappers at him. That annoys him a little.

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