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Lexi's POV


It is now lunch. I'm sitting with my friends at a table facing the wall so I don't have to see the happy families eating lunch with a veteran in their family. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see ...


My dad and my friends dads. We scream and start crying while people start clapping. Even Jake is clapping. Apparently he has a heart.

Once we stop crying we eat lunch together. Apparently it took Drew all of lunch to stop crying and then relies what happened.

After lunch we say goodbye and I go to class.


The rest of the day was awesome. My dad picked Drew up and My mom was home when I got there. I almost forgot I have to work with Jake for the project.

15 minutes after I got home the doorbell rang. It was Jake.

"Mom I'm going to be in my room working on a project with Jake." I say after letting Jake

"Is this floor all yours?" Jake asks

"Yeah" I say.

"You choose the book." Jake says when we get to my room.

"Ok. I chooses Alice Bliss by Lisa Herrington. Its about a military daughter (Alice) whose father is deployed in Iraq. It is told in alternating view points between her and her mother Angie." I say as I grab the book off my shelf.

Jake doesn't argue with my choice. I read the first chapter.

My mom comes up and says that it was time for dinner and they invited Jake's family over.

At dinner I learned that Jake lives with his mom, brother, and stepdad. Also that his real dad was in the army.

After dinner the Hawks left and we had family game night. We played my favorite game. Bull Shit / BS.

"Bs" I said for the 15th time.

My dad picked up the stack

"2 ones" I said as I put down my last cards.

No one said anything. They were actually a 5 & a 7.

I then went to bed.


Authors Note

1 eyed 1 horned flying Purple people eater

P.S BS is my favorite card game along with uno.

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