Chapter 28

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Lexi's POV

I wake up early the next morning. My parents got home from work late last night. I put on a bright blue sports bra and black running shorts. I put my hair in a ponytail. I put on my free runs and grab my phone and armband.

I leave my parents a note that says I'm working out and that I have my phone.

I walk to the side walk and start jogging.


I've been jogging for 10 minutes when I notice people following me I make a few right turns so I'm heading back to my house. I notice them getting closer. They are members of a enemy gang.

I can see my house and I'm almost in yelling range when they grab my arm.

I spin twisting their arm and kick him in the groin. I slam his face into my knee. I start screaming for help. I roundhouse kick the other guy in the face. He falls to the ground unconscious. The other guy starts to get up but someone steps on their back I look over too see Jake.


Jake's POV

I'm sitting in my garage smoking while working on my bike when I here screaming. I walk over to the door and look out. I see Lexi beating the shit out of two members of an enemy gang. I run over there just in time to see her nock a guy unconscious. The other guy stats to get up so I step on their back.

Lexi looks over at me.

"Care to explain?" I ask.


"Why were you beating the shit out of them?"

"They were following me."

"Why were they following you and what is that tattoo on your back?"

"I don't know and a maze."

I don't believe either of those answers.

"Can I go now?" she asks.



Lexi's POV

I go back to my house and take a shower.

I write a note to my parents telling them where I am and leave it on my door.

I put on a black tank top and camo pants. I put my hair in a ponytail and put on my devil hat. I walk downstairs and put on my combat boots and leather jacket. I walk to the garage and pull my bike out.

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