Chapter 5

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Lexi's POV

I change into camo pants, a black tank top ,and black combat boots. I pull my hair into a messy bun and put on my leather jacket. No glasses.

I grab my phone and keys sand hop on to my Harley.

I went over the speed limit on the way to the garage so I get there in 5 minutes instead of 10. I park around back and unlock the garage.

I start working on my Camaro. It's dark gray. I also have a light gray Camaro and a black Mustang. I also have a blue and white racing bike. I keep all of them in the shed around back.

Not long after I hear ring of the bell signaling some one is here.

I walk out to see Jake with what looks like a gang.

"Can I help you? I ask.

The look at me checking me out. you can see 3 of my 7 tattoos.

I have a 2 interlaced bands of thorns on my right bicep (for the MMA gym I go to ).On my right I have believe written in Chinese, on my left shoulder it's the rock symbol. You can't see theses but on my lower back towards the right is a spiderweb for my gang, on my left hip is courage, on my right side is USMC running straight up and down and on my ankle is hope.

"Yes you can." Jake say suggestively.

"No thanks" I say " If that's all you can leave my garage."

"You own this place." Jake said shocked.


"We need our cars oil changed"

"No problem. bring 'em into the garage"


2 hours later I had finished all 10 cars.

1 thing I learned is that they race but my cars are better. It's now 21:30 (or 9:30) and I'm heading home this has been one tiring day. I need to get ahead with my work because my gang has a race tomorrow.


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